Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello October!

I went to Amy's house for dinner tonight. Hamburgers, baked beans and french fries. It was good. I missed Amy I hadn't seen her in a while so I'm glad I got to spend time with her John and the kids. It was fun. And I gave them the cookies I made them. I watched Daniel and Adam play the lego batman game on the wii and watched Caleb play with his cars. Then I went over to Lori's house and gave her the cookies I made for her. And we talked for about 2 hours and then I left and tried to race to Cabot before I ran out of gas. Then I cussed loudly for about 5 mins when I realized I had left my 20 dollars at home and only had a 5 with me. So I filled up my car with 5 dollars, lame. Some guy also asked me if I knew how to pump my own gas. And I automatically thought of Angela and her encounter. But I didn't let him touch my pump. Then I went home and I realized I'm frigging tired. So I took the milk carton poured strawberry syrup right into the carton, put the cap on, shook it, and drank it straight from the carton, then put it back in the fridge when I was done. Yep. Amazing too because now I'll have strawberry milk already made for tomorrow. You're jealous you didn't think of it. Now I'm going to bed.

The picture is Caleb playing with his cars. Isn't he so cute? Yes, he is. Don't lie to yourself and say "oh my kids are way cuter!" Because you're wrong. They aren't. That is all.

No quotes of the day I'm too tired to remember anything. Buuuuut...

Question of the day:
Why do men always think women can't pump gas?

Okay, Its officially October. Hello October, hello Halloween, hello candy, hellooo costumes, helloooo fun times!


  1. You're right, he's absolutely precious!

  2. i must agree, he is... if i ever had another, i'd want a Caleb Andrew too!
