Saturday, October 17, 2009


I think I'm making myself sick from stress or something. I spent all day feeling sick. Hank has proposed a sort of "business marriage" to Mom. She still hasn't decided what to do. I can't decide if it would be in her best interest to take one of his proposals or to just go through with the divorce. I mean she would be broke as hell if she did go through with the divorce. I don't know.. Anyway, I was expecting Hank's birthday party to be really awkward tonight. Seeing as she just told him yesterday she wanted a divorce and all.. But it was less awkward than I assumed. I went to Wal-Mart today with Mom and tried making the point that she wouldn't actually get alot from Hank if she got a divorce. But I still think she adament about divorcing him. /shrug While I was at Wal-Mart I got this magazine. Huzzah for RPatz hottness.

Amy text me when she got home tonight and said that Daniel thanked God for Me and Bandaids and cupcakes. He really likes the fact that I always carry bandaids in my bag. Simple things make him so happy.

I don't remember any amazing and or hilarious quotes of the day. I know I fail.

Question of the day:
Have you noticed more people have started hating Obama lately? Do you hate Obama? I hated him first.

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