Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Berry Happy

Mom got home from Phoenix, Arizona today. I stayed home while Hank picked her up at the Airport. I baked my cookies and listened to music. Then when she got home I helped her unpack some of the things Nana had given her. Then she took a nap while I finished baking the rest of my cookies. Then we took two cars to get to Lori's house where we had dinner. The purpose of this dinner was so the kids could see Mom and so Lori could drop the preggo bomb on our parents. The truth is I don't think Lori would have actually gone through with it had I not been glaring at her all through dinner AND desert. After I finally just wouldn't stop starring at her, she said "Okay so Karen is making me tell you this." Okay lol she can blame me I guess as long as she spills it. Which she did. And it was fine. They were utterly shocked but who wouldn't be? They were happy though. We all are. Its already been decided that the room theme will be Carebears. And I'm going to help paint the walls. I am totally sketching ideas tomorrow. Oh and since its my fault Lori is pregnant since I had a vision about it and all. I get to pick the boy name!

The pictures of the day are of course my cookies. They are strawberry. My favorite and Amy's least favorite. But I can't help it. I have been really happy lately. So I needed something that I loved. And that would be strawberries and sweetness. And these cookies are for sure sweet and strawberryish. I love them but I'm pretty sure everybody else except Ashley hated them. But seriously I couldn't stop smiling even while making these. They smell so good and look so good. They are fucking bright cookies..I mean come on! They fucking look happy! Happy fucking cookies how many people do you know that can make happy fucking cookies? I think I'm one talented mother fucker! /shrug They are suppose to represent my happiness not anybody else's so screw you guys! I know the name is cheesy. But that's how I feel right now. Cheesy, dorky and fakishly happy. You know the kinda happy that you feel could just quickly turn into a dream. Or something completely drastically bad could happen and make you realize you weren't actually happy at all? Oh yeah that happens to me alot. But until then.. I am berry happy!

Wild Cat night was fun tonight as always. But I totally can't remember many quotes. Here goes my attempts though.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Wow you totally had both your feet in my butt this whole time and I didn't even feel it."

Angela: "There is a huge difference between in and under. There is a baby IN Lori right now. If it were under and she got up and walked away she would leave the baby."

Me: "Its an exact replica!"

Angela: "Ohhhh so that's quote of the day material but "you had your feet in my butt and I didn't even feel it" wasn't?"

Angela: "If we start watching at 5 we can be done by midnight."
Me: "Woohoo!"

Me: "That is a badass webkinz room."

Question of the day:
What is the difference between being sensitive and easily offended?

P.s. Come on..just looking at those pink fucking cookies in the picture makes you fucking berry happy doesn't it? ....DOESN'T IT?

Fuck you if it doesn't. Douche.

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