Thursday, October 22, 2009

Weird dreams

I find it funny that the one night of the week Mom doesn't make chicken is the one night she makes a salad and lima beans with sausage in it. And she calls it dinner. I'm confused I don't know alot about cooking and balancing a meal but isn't this just a vegetable and a appetizer? /shrug

Speaking of funny things.. Hank and Mom are getting along great now. I don't get it. They are acting HAPPY with each other for the first time in ages. And they are going to get a divorce? What the fuck? Mom is making dinner every night. (Whether its a salad and a vegetable or just chicken) And they are actually talking about things together. And they are acting like this divorce is the most normal occurrence ever. They are acting like its a vacation not a divorce. Whatever..

Hank came home today and banged on my door. And then threw a bunch of boxes into my room and some duct tape and said "Have at it." Though I'm not completely sure what this meant. I am going to take it as "You can keep all your stuff." Or at least as "Whatever you can get in these boxes is yours to keep." So needless to say I will be packing my computer, tv, playstation, wii, psp, Ipod, dvd player and books first. Yep.

I went to Hasting's tonight. I can't help but feel sad thinking I won't be going there very often anymore. It will be too far away to bother with it. But I totally pulled 20 dollars out of some random jeans that don't fit me anymore. Yeah, Zach and Ashley always make fun of me because I do that alot. I'm constantly pulling money out of my pockets at the most random of times. But since I had 20 dollars. I thought hmm what do I need right now. A new journal! So I went to Hasting's to find a nice leather one. But they all sucked. So I kept looking and what do I find? UH FRIGGIN TWILIGHT ONES! Yes! Leather ones are nice but getting four journals and a tin case for the price of one leather journal is nice. And they have quotes from the book in them. Nice. I rented Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. I'm going to see if it sucks or not. My vote is it will. I don't care to be visited by the ghosts of my ex's but I wouldn't mind watching a movie about it though.

I had a friggin weird dream today and so did Angela. And all I can say of us is going to get pregnant.

Quotes of the day:
Mom: "I got some new pots and pans because Hank wanted to keep the ones we had."
Me: "What?? If you get new pots and pans I get new cookie stuff! Like a mixer that doesn't blow smoke!"

Me: /pointing to a weird plastic soda cap "What does this do exactly?"
Mom: "It keeps the soda fizzy."
Me: "Ah so its pointless."

John: "You know I'm right here with Amy?"
Me: "Good! Annoy her."

Adam: /reading a Star Wars comic book where the ship is named Twilight "Everybody sure loves Twilight!"

Question of the day:
What's the weirdest dream you have ever had?

1 comment:

  1. do you really want me to go over that dream again? seriously? it was weird and i have been dreaming weird for at least the past couple of weeks. DID i tell you the one about the motorcycle wreck guy that i saved his life? wreck happened right there where i got that big nail in my tire??!!
