Saturday, October 3, 2009


I woke up today and felt so friggin lazy. I just layed around watching t.v. and sleeping today. I didn't even eat until way later. I didn't even shower today lol. I literally just threw on a pair of jeans I've been wearing for the past week and the nirvana t-shirt I wore yesterday. I didn't even brush my hair lulz. At around 4ish I got up and was getting ready to leave to see Lori when I realized I was starving. I went to go have a bowl of cereal to tie me over before dinner. But all the bowls were dirty. So I started to wash them then got distracted by the rest of the dirty dishes/kitchen. Eventually I realized shit, I told Lori I'd be there soon. So I left and forgot to eat a bowl of cereal. That's how a.d.d. I am.

I hung out at Lori's house until late that night. Amy, John and the kids came over and we all had Mazzio's pizza and played Wii and talked. When Amy, John and the kids left, Lori, Zach, Ashley and I watched the movie "Speed" which I had never seen before. It was pretty good but I still hate Keanu Reeves. We also made a run to Knight's before we saw the movie to get snacks. Mmmm I felt like I hadn't had junk food in ages. I also stole some pizza to take home so I can eat tomorrow. I'm such a bum. Its amazing nobody noticed how grungy I looked today too lol. Or maybe they did and they were just nice enough not to point out that I looked like shit.

I can't stop thinking about the movie though seriously. Its crazy they were able to make a movie about just riding on a bus and never going below 50mph. This is what I imagine Speed 2 is like -

Keanu - "If we drive any faster than 10mph this bus will explode!"
*People on bus scream.*
*Old dude passes the bus while flipping them off.*
Sandra Bullock - "Oh my god I can't drive any slower!!"
*People on bus scream again.*
*Little girl on a bike passes them while ringing her bell.*
*Keanu Reeves still looks all intense.*
Sandra Bullock - "Oh my God you look so intense and sexy, Neo. Let's make out."
Keanu - "My name isn't Neo in this movie even though I act like Neo in every movie I am ever in."
Sandra Bullock - "Your voice is so intense!"
*They make out and accidently press on the gas pedal while making out.*
*The bus goes to 20mph and they explode*
The End.

Anyway, the first picture is Ashley looking at the Fairy book I gave her for her birthday. And the boys playing Wii. They are blurry and crappy because my phone took them instead of my camera because I left my camera at home. Oppsy. I honestly can't remember any quotes of the day. Lots of stuff was funny though. Huh. Maybe I'm losing my touch here. Here is one that just happened though!

Quotes of the day:
Alan: "I don't look anything like Edward."
Me: "Nobody does Alan do I put this...he is fucking perfect."

Question of the day:
Why do people like Keanu Reeves even exist?

1 comment:

  1. perfect answer to the QotD: voice intensity

    I seriously laughed at Speed II... your version.
