Thursday, October 8, 2009

Waste of tiiiiiime

I had an argument with mom last night. She was pretty mean but it wasn't a very long argument. And yet today she bought me the replica of Bella's dress AND jacket in new moon. Crazy expensive for a not very long argument. Would save her alot of money if she could just fucking learn to say those two simple words. /shrug

I went to Amy's house for a minute today and dropped off the cookies she left. And bought her a route 44 vanilla Dr. Pepper. We talked for a while and I showed her my new dress and jacket. Daniel picked me a flower. I bet you thought today the picture would be the dress or the jacket but nope.. That's what the picture of the day is, Daniel's flower on my windshield. Its simple and sweet. And its what makes my life worth living. Simple sweet things.

I went to Angela's house after that and we watched like..I think 5 episodes of Trublood. Maybe four I'm not even sure. We paused for an hour at one point and I fell asleep while she was on the phone with Quuuue. And then we had one episode left on one disc but we were both too tired to attempt it. Mission failed again. Sigh. Still had fun though. Tired though. So tired..

But I did put in some widgets today. On the side of my blog! ->
They are awesome. One is a countdown to new moon the movie. One is a news feed to the Robert Pattinson site (spunk-ransom) and the other is a news feed to a cool twilight site. Yep. Go ahead..enjoy them. I know I do. Because I'm a dork. And so are you. Embrace your dorkishness. I won't tell anybody. /raises eyebrows up and down

Quotes of the day:
Joseph: "I have such a good's easy for rough ppl to run over you."
Joseph: "I think you always would sacrifice yourself for other's happiness."
Me: "I KNOW! I'm so stupid."

Me: "Its hard to take you seriously when your nose is sparkling."

Angela: /sings hillbilly music "COLLIE TIME!"

/blood and guts and puking is happening on the tv
Angela: /pushes plate away "Well, I'm done with the cheese."

Angela: "Well that was a waste of tiiiiiiime."

Me: "I want to be so happy its disgusting..that's all I want damnit."

Me: "Get out of town!! You'll never believe this!"
Amy: "What?"
Me: "I'll tell you later. You'll get a kick out of it. I'm driving right now though."
Amy: "Are you pregnant?"
Me: "If so I hope its Edward's."

Question of the day:
If Kurt Cobain hadn't died would he still be making music today?

1 comment:

  1. *sigh* i'm so fucking terrified today!!!! you know why. AND i was fucking rear-ended on the freeway on the way to work this morning, so my car is really fucked up and my nerves are on edge and i haven't even pooped. i took more of my meds this morning to make me NOT cry all day today and... you know, maybe i should just blog all this myself.

    *my head hurts
    *my shoulders are sore
    *my arms ache
    *my heart is in shambles....

    and i still never ate. i've been growling all day but my stomach is SO sick i can't. hello, 115 pounds... here i come, full force!
