Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Red Plaid

My morning isn't worth mentioning. It was frustrating and annoying. And just all in all a bad morning. But I did go to Amy's house and drop off some stuff for her. Then I went to Lori's house. And we went to Mazzio's for dinner then to Wal-Mart. We redid her whole bathroom. Repasted the walls and everything. Then I printed off her Agent Dana Scully badge and went to Angela's house. We talked for a while lost track of time and eventually dyed my hair after reading a story about tapeworms and tracking Angela's food. Today was fun. But I'm seriously pissed off at my hair.

ITS NEVER THE RIGHT COLOR EVER!!!!! I'm so frustrated with it. I almost want to just go to some hair salon and dye it and call it a day. Because at least then it turns out how I want it. These stupid box dyes are WORTHLESS. Sigh. At least its slightly more brown. I guess.. Fuck you, Megan. (Megan is the name of the girl on that box of dye. Angela named her.)

Sigh. Pictures are Lori's bathroom (I like the curtain holder clip thingys and the soap dispenser) and then last one is Angela petting Jacob Black's eye. Its an inside joke. If you don't get it or you don't find it funny then well, you probably own a ferret.

P.s. Isn't my shirt awesome? Robert Pattinson owns one just like it. What you don't believe me? Look! Kristen Stewart even has one. Or maybe she is wearing Rob's... /jealous Either way this proves my point. RED PLAID OWNS ALL! Especially on Rpatz. His lil bum is so cute!

Quotes of the day:

Ashley: "If I am going to be Rosalie for halloween...I will need a two beauty marks. But I don't have blond hair.."
Me: "Just wear a baseball cap. She wears one in the baseball scene anyway."
Ashley: "I'm going to need a baseball bat."
Me: "For heaven's sake you're going trick or treating not the red carpet."

Me: "LORI! This stuff is sticky and wet and you're not helping!"
Lori: "That's what she said!"

Angela: "Uh yes, I'd like one chicken smoothie please."

Lori: "If you do find one though it can't be one of the ones were the screw goes in the hole. That's how this problem started."
Me: "That's what SHE said!"

Question of the day:
Will the phrase "that's what she said" ever get old? (Because I've said it more times today than I can count. And they were all very hilarious.)


  1. i actually do think the "that's what she said" phrase is old already. it kinda frustrates me to hear it anymore.

    + the pic of Rob didn't show up for some reason, i'll check back later... after i check my settings to see how they phantomly changed and why i'm not getting my email alerts anymore.

    oh, and it was MegHan... remember the H?

  2. Also now I'm going to feel bad everytime I say "that's what she said" around you. =[
