Friday, October 16, 2009

Yadda Yadda Yadda

Too much happened today to talk about. So I will just talk about the good points. I got a grey peacoat. I got the new moon soundtrack that came out today along with a free cullen crest keychain that came with it. I saw everybody today. It was Adam's birthday party. It was cute and fun and Wii themed (batman themed too.) I got to go to waffle house with Zach, Ash and Lori. And I got to go to The Underground with Lori and Angela and spend time with them and talk. It helped alot. I got alot off my chest. So those are all the good points. I made them sound like they weren't a big deal but they were. I'm just too tired to go into detail. I do however want to say that I apparently make a really weird cartoon-like expression everytime somebody mentions something involving sex and or other things that make me uncomfortable and or tramatized. And that expression is now called "the frog face." Because Angela thinks it looks like a frog I guess. She says my eyes get wide and my mouth turns into a very thin very perfect frown. So since I don't feel like taking a picture of that expression and I don't even know if I could since I have yet to look in the mirror while I make said expression. I will show you what I think it would look like -


Picture of the day is Adam with the present I got him. Its a webkinz vampire bat. Its kickass! I wanted to steal it. I miss the webkinz site. If I had money I'd buy me the caramel lion and name it Edward. /pout

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Frog face!"

Me: "Yadda, yadda, yadda."

Question of the day:
Why can't I ever remember quotes when I'm so tired?! I have a good memory damnit!

1 comment:

  1. YES! that is exactly what the frog face looks like.... except you're usually not laying on your side.
