Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Aw Sookie Sookie

I read alot today and slept a lil. Then I went to Angela's house and we watched 3 more Trublood episodes. They are starting to get alot better. Still really graphic but still getting better. Its making me seriously want to start reading the series. I'm really tired and I can't really think of much to say today though. But yeah. I had fun tonight. Then I came home and played WoW with Joseph. That's about it. I forgot to take a picture at Angela's so here is a picture of my new pocket knife I got a few weeks ago at the festival thing. I have had several people tell me its actually a switch blade which is illegal. But its a POCKET KNIFE...switch blade. So its not completely illegal I don't think. It had a lock on it so it doesn't go off in my pocket! Its badass. And it has a wolf on it. Which I actually didn't even notice until after I bought it. But yeah..First picture is it open after I pushed the cool button. The second picture is it closed and locked...no wait its actually unlocked. But you get the idea. Yeah, I bought it from a guy named Sam. He was an Indiana. Coincidence that his name was Sam and it has a wolf on it AND he is Indiana? Yeah...I think so. But still.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "He killed him for her?"
Angela: "Yes."
Me: "Awww that's so sweet."

Angela: "I'm like pea coat obsessed!"

Austin: "I have wormapobia now."

Me: "I enjoy Sookie!"
Angela: "Me too!"

Joseph: "Awww sookie sookie."

Question of the day:
Why am I the MOST a.d.d. out of ALL of my friends?

1 comment:

  1. AotD: do you not consider me a friend? I think i'm just about as a.d.d. as you are.

    Austin made the quotes today, funny!

    What time are you coming over tonight? I want to try to watch at least one episode before everyone gets here. I'm hooked.
