Friday, October 9, 2009


Today I went and picked up Zach at the rain..without an umbrella. And apparently I wasn't the only one without one. Zach was soaking wet since he didn't have one either. We then went to Sonic for happy hour. And got Amy a drink too. And took it to her and talked to her for a while before heading to Zach's house so he could pack a bag. Then we went home to pick up mom and she took us to rent a movie and eat at waffle house and went to Wal-Mart after. I saw a guy that looked like a fat Charlie Swan there. But he walked away too fast for me to take a picture /pout! At least I got some badass cookie cutters.

We rushed through the Wal-Mart trip so I could be back in time to raid in WoW. It was my first WoW raid in months! It was..intersting. No bosses died. Pathetic yes. Lame yes. Total waste of time?! Okay yes. But it was fun.

Seems I'm not the only one Mom is buying stuff for. She bought Ashley a matress..a 100 dollar one. And she is already making plans to buy Lori's baby stuff. And she wants to buy Zach a haircut tomorrow and buy both Zach and I an umbrella. Weird..yes. Will this stop me from accepting the stuff?! I thinks its more than just her being a bitch and not being able to say sorry though. Because she also bought all the kids books today at Hastings. I think she is just I don't know maybe realizing she can be a shitty mother and is trying to make up for it? I don't know I feel like more happened in Arizona than she is telling.

Speaking of Arizona, Mom got a box from Nana of stuff. And she is going to let Amy and Lori pick from the stuff that was sent. I already picked my item. It will remind me of Nana because its hers and of Papa because its a crystal candy dish. And he always gave me candy. Its perfect and I love it. Even though its kind of wasted on me because I'm not married with kids.. /sigh. But one day it will look nice in my home. With all my fucking cats probably. Oh God, I can see it now. 12 fucking cats running around and a bunch of empty pizza boxes with cat food. And all my stuff is random shit from the dollar store that I think is SOOOOO AWESOME when really its cheap garbage. And this one single lonely crystal candy dish, fulled with werthers orignals. OHEMGEE.. /cries

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Zach's jacket is all wet so I made him wear my supergirl hoodie!!! lol!"

Zach: "Yes Robert Pattinson is soooo dreamy!"
Me: "I know right!"
Zach: "Yeah..I'm going to leave before this gets really awkward."

Me: "Women."
Me: "Don't fucking make sense."

Me: "What was your first impression of me?"
Joseph: "Ever?"
Me: "Sure."
Joseph: "Best sounding voice I ever heard on vent lol."

Angela: "Austin said he's been thinking. He wants a peacoat."
Me: "Omg I'm so proud!!!!!!!"

Me: "His lil spiderman logo is even glowing in the dark right where the hole is."
Me: "Its like "look you can use me even in the dark!"
Me: "And I'm like 'no spidey I can't I'm sorry..I don't have a towel lifter!'"

Random mom in hastings talking to her kid: "Stop it! You are not a vampire, son!"

Me: "I feel dreamy today.. Not like hot, sexy, dreamy. Like I feel like today has been one long dream. And I'm still asleep so that why I feel tired. That makes sense right? No maybe not..but that just proves my point.. I'm tired!"

Me: "From wash cloths to jeans. Disturbing on all levels guaranteed or your money back."

Zach: "They sure do have alot of cool halloween stuff at this Wal-Mart." /holds up a skeleton and points to it excitedly
Me: "These are just white trash decorations Zach. Come on let's go."
Zach: "Well did you look down this isle?"
Me: /in whiney voice "Come onnnnnnn.."
Zach: "Look!" /pulls me down the isle
Zach: "White trash indeed."
Me: "Zach, cookies are many things to me. Many, many things..but white trash is certainly not one of them."

Dreamy was used twice in the quotes of the day. I think I found my title. And my picture is of the crystal candy dish Nana and Papa gave me. Yep.

Question of the day:
Waffle house or Ihop?

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