Sunday, October 11, 2009


Missed church because I slept in this morning. Had a bad migraine. Everybody came over for lunch though. Lori had to eventually go to work. Amy, Ashley and I played the Twilight board game. Ashley was bored and it was a good solution. And shortly after Amy, Zach, Ashley and I went to Party City, Target and Wal-Mart. Ashley bought a slushy for us to share lol. I was broke and thirsty, it was sweet of her. Then I took Amy to her church and dropped her off then dropped the kids off at their house. Hung out with Angela after that.

We went to Knight's and her Mom's house for this epic adventure to get flea medicine for her dogs. Then we got high off of poison for two hours while watching Trublood. Then I went to Lori's house and force her to go to Waffle House with me. And then I went home. True story. All of it. Except for the part about being high. Maybe.. Maybe not.. You decide.

Picture of the day is my car, using the heater on full blast for the first time. Hello fall and winter seasons. I have two words for you and your coldness and wetness. Fuuuuuuck yoooouuu.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "You know what that reminds me of?"
Angela: "A cowboy's shirt?"
Angela: "Guess not.."

Me: "If Zach was a vampire his special ability would be running jokes into the ground and boring you to death."

Ashley: "What would my special vampire ability be?"
Me: "The ability to whine to death."
Ashley: /in whiney voice"That's no fun!"
Me: /pretends to die


Angela: "I feel like we shouldn't be breathing this stuff in."
Me: /shrug
/two hours later
Me: "I think we are high."

Question of the day:
Did Edward Cullen answer all your questions yesterday?

1 comment:

  1. i hate that when i read the QotD i laugh uncontrollably to myself... alone in my office... and inevitably someone will walk pass my office and see me and i feel dumb for laughing alone.


    We seriously have to get through these Trueblood episodes... i'm having nightmares!
