Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sassy Spritzers

Made cookies today of course. I missed the pepperidge farm cookies called spritzers. They were powdered sugar cookies that tasted like lemon, lime and raspberry. But they stopped making them. So I made my own. These are lemon. I named them Sassy Spritzers because people have been calling me sassy alot lately. At first I was offended, now I'm thinking..I enjoy being sassy. I went to Wild Catz night early and Angela dyed my hair for me and styled it. I love my Alice! Its a brown color. Its really dark at the moment and in certain light can look almost black. But I know it will lighten in a few days. And if its not exactly what I want I will redye it. But what I was going for was a Bella brown. For my halloween costume. And also wanted something close to my natural hair color. I think I got pretty close. /shrug We'll see.

Amy said Daniel cried for me today because he got hurt and needed a bandaid. It made me feel good. I miss him. I'm glad I'll be spending time with them friday.

I had fun tonight but I'm uber tired. I'm excited though because Angela got her halloween costume. She is gonna be Sookie from Trueblood! PERFECT! Bella and Sookie together! Bffe's ftw!

The pictures are my cookies, me and my new hair color and Angela's eye after alot of vampire glitter. Yep.

Quotes of the day:
Joseph: "They think I'm a man whore."
Me: "You are a man whore lol."
Me: "A man whore I love but you're still a man whore."

Joseph: "Man I love to shop. I would have made a great gay guy."

Me: "It looks like you ate tinkerbell."

Angela: "That's what she said!"
Me: "Yeah, you, that's what you said. And you meant your belly button!"

Question of the day:
If you could have a special power what would it be?

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