Thursday, October 29, 2009

WoW Wafers and Bat Pumpkins

I woke up today to Lori reminding me to pick the kids up from school and to make sure Ashley cleans her room. And Amy also texted me telling me mom planned on getting my new loft this weekend. And that John would probably take my current loft apart tomorrow. So I should clean my room. BAH! That set me into a panic. Between baking for the party tomorrow, washing clothes, making sure I have everything else ready for the party tomorrow, and making sure I have everything planned out right. I certainly don't have time to stop and clean. And where would I sleep!? I hope she ends up taking it later because I'd rather not sleep on the floor and I didn't have time clean. And I won't tomorrow either.

I spent all morning getting my cake balls ready to chill. I put them in the fridge then left. Amy texted me asking me to buy her a pregnancy test. Greeeaaaat. I always pictured my first time buying a pregnancy test to be something like this -

Me: /grabs pregnancy test at Wal-Mart and runs to the Wal-Mart bathroom, sees the little plus sign and freaks out happily while running around Wal-Mart waving it and screaming "FINALLY ITS MY TURN!" While handing out candy cigars to random people in trashy clothing. Then proceeding to call my husband and yell "WE DID IT!!!!!!"

But alas, that was not how my first time buying a pregnancy test went. It went like this instead -

Me: /Looks at a sign in horror that reads "We sell our pregnancy tests behind the counter." I then make my way to the line and a cute boy proceeds to talk to me. We exchange names and just as I'm sure he is about to ask for my number because he whips out his phone all dramatically, the lady at the counter asks me what I need.
Me: "Uh, I need a pregnancy test please."
Lady: "Oh we don't have any more here you'll have to go to the first lane and get on there." (She then proceeds to yell to the lady at lane 1 to check and make sure they aren't completely out of pregnancy tests.)
Me: 8 (
Cute Boy: /makes the "O" face and rocks back and forth on his heels while rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at his shoes.
Old Lady that was behind me: /looks at me like I'm some sort of hussy and shakes her head and makes exasperated sounds.
Me: /walks over to lane 1 with my face and ears completely red "Yeah..I need a pregnancy test."
Lady at lane 1: "The 4 dollar one of the 10 dollar one?"
Me: "The cheapest one."
Cute Boy: /nowhere to be found
Old Lady: /behind me in line again still shaking her head and making exasperated sounds.
Me: /storms out of Fred's in Beebe with a ruined reputation thanks to my sister who thinks she is pregnant every month. Thanks Amy! lulz

I then picked up the kids at school and then took the test to Amy after. And told her the epic story of my first purchased pregnancy test. Adam and Daniel made me cookies today. Adam wanted to make me cookies and name them like I always do. He wasn't sure what cookies to make so Amy said "What is the first thing you think of when you think of Aunt Karen?" Adam answered "WoW" (as in world of warcraft.) So of course the cookies are named Wow wafers. And Daniel had to get on the act and named his Bat Pumpkins. Clearly both are very creative and very good. And being as OCD as I am I appreciate the fact that Adam's cookies have an even 4 chocolate chips on each cookie. He had big plans to make them in the shape of monsters or animals like in the world of warcraft game. But Amy pretty much told him he had to settle for simple. I still think they are great and it made my day.

Zach, Ashley and I then went to Sonic and grabbed drinks. Then Zach and I played rock band 2 until Ashley was finished with her homework and cleaning her room. Then we all three played. Ashley is getting better at drums. Sorta lol. It was fun. I had to stay there a bit longer than I wanted because of a random tornado. /shrug Kevin made dinner so I was okay with it. By the time I got home I had to finish my cake ball baking. I am very frustrated with how they turned out. They don't look anything like they are suppose to. I must have done something wrong. They are probably still good tasting. But they are not good looking, hence I am angry. If it doesn't look good, then the taste doesn't matter, in my opinion. Especially with something like this, I picked this recipe because it was suppose to be both good tasting and good looking! Oh well, I'll bake my Fangtasia Delights tomorrow and at least they look good! Can't wait for the party tomorrow but I still have so much to do.

First picture are the WoW Wafers and the second picture are the Bat Pumpkins.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Well its not like I could say 'its not for me its for a friend!' How many times have people heard that excuse?"

Me: "I bet I only got weird looks because people thought I was 13 years old again. The old lady was probably like 'they just get younger and younger!'"

Me: "No, it is actually horrible because I wasn't even wearing my fake wedding ring. So I really did look like a hussy!"

Me: "I'm just going to start kicking all random guys that hit on me in the throat. Or the balls."
Patty: "Tease, some guys like it rough LOLOLOL."
Me: "Patty are you saying you want me to kick you in the balls?"

Me: "My balls didn't turn out right."

Question of the day:
What happened when you bought your first pregnancy test?

1 comment:

  1. Answer: I had to borrow the $4 bucks from my mom... she nearly shizzed her pants... hahaha just kidding.

    I really don't remember. I just know that it was a negative. (and i was married at the time)
