Friday, October 30, 2009

Human and The Glampire

Today I ran around doing everything all at once for the party. Then at 5:00ish I made my way to conway. By the time I picked up Alan and made my way to Angela's house we got there at like 7:00 one hour from the party time. We ended up staying at Angela's doing hair and make up on each of us until 9 though. Fashionably late and yet we were still the only ones there lol. Not too many people showed up but I still had tons of fun. People couldn't get over how much we looked like Edward and Bella. Somebody girl that was dressed as a cat or mouse or something even said I looked more like what she thought Bella would look like from the books than Kristen Stewart. She was a really annoying person though.. I wanted to kick her in throat at least 4 times. But still a nice compliment. People took pics of us and we acted out a scene from the twilight parody because Serina asked us to. We also kept quoting lines the whole night. And I carried around an apple all night. Alan eventually kicked it off his shoe and caught it. After like a ton of failed attempts. And of course we did poses for the camera everytime our pic was taken. The pose with his arm around me everybody seemed to love because it was like the poster pics for the movie. It was lots of fun. And I'm really glad Angela showed up and really glad Lori decided to do it this year. And I'm so proud of Lori for not drinking too. I know it must have been hard.

We went to Waffle House at one point and called the cops on some really drunk people that were totally going to crash if they drove home. And we went back to Lori's house and dropped her off some Waffle House food and then Alan and I went to Angela's house and I talked to them for a while about things and they made me feel really good. I'm glad I have friends as great as them. It was a really awkward situation for me but they made me feel better. And we went from down to laughing and talking for a few hours until we all crashed, fully clothed on her bed with the lights on for like maybe 2 hours of restless sleep until we woke up and talked more. Oh and I totally saw the faceless black smokey ghost thing in Angela's room when both of them walked out to get blankets and pillows. I freaked out! Good times..good times...

Quotes of the day:
Alan: "I figured out a name for the Twilight vampires..since they sparkle..GLAMPIRES!"

Alan: "Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies."

Alan: "This is officially a gay pea coat."

Alan: "Get on my back I'll take you for a vampire ride!"

Me: "I'm only afraid of losing you!" /bats eyelashes

Alan: "I would have quit 100 jobs just to have this one night with you."

Angela: "Aristus cat?"

Me: "That gay cowboy over there is the guy that plays WoW that Lori wants me to date I think."

Question of the day:
Why do I suddenly feel less sympathy for people who use the phrase FML? I am going to stop using it. From now on if I ever feel the need to say it I will just spell it out completely.

1 comment:

  1. i'm really glad we had that time also. and i really don't care how INAPPROPRIATE it was in anyone's eyes!

    btw... i found glitter in my hair this morning when i was straightening it... and that is after i have washed and conditioned it TWO times!
