Monday, October 19, 2009

Rock n Roll

Went to McDonald's with Amy and the kids today for lunch. Then we spent the rest of the day at their house hanging out. We saw some apartments in Beebe. It was interesting.. Looks like Mom has decided on the 700$ a month one. She'll have to wait for an opening. Could be a week could be several months. Who knows?

We came home for dinner and I ate it and fell asleep for a while. I was going to go back to Beebe to see Angela. Oopsy. I'll see her wed though, hope I can make it up to her then. Tomorrow is the Pro-Life day of silence and Mom forgot and invited Lori and Amy and everybody for dinner. Annnnd I won't be able to talk. NICE! Hope Kevin and John give me a break and don't make it difficult. That would be mean.

Picture of the day is something Adam drew on the marker board.

Quotes of the day:
Daniel: "Karen I need a bandaid!"

Random little boy: "I like your converse! I write on mine too! SEE!!" /holds his foot up in the air
Me: "Awesome dude!"

Joseph: "What are you in mooood for?"
Me: "Sex drugs and rock and roll!"

Me: "I dropped my pieces on the floor."
Me: "Reeses Pieces*"
Me: "Hm I sure left out a vital word there."

Question of the day:
What do you consider the worst movie ever?