Saturday, October 10, 2009


Woke up early took a shower and went to the mall with Zach and Mom. We got Zach a hair cut. And I got a umbrella for when it rains. It has Edward Cullen on it. Are you surprised? You shouldn't be. I met up with Angela and her friend at Rue 21 while Zach was getting his hair cut. Angela was shopping for a pea coat. She got a pretty sweet one too.

Mom, Zach and I went to IHop for lunch then went back to our house to drop Mom off pick up some baking soda (because Ashley got stung by a wasp) then went to Beebe. I stayed there the rest of the day/night. Angela eventually came over and we went to Knight's and got food. Angela ran over a nail. We ate the food at Angela's then went back to Lori's and watched Trublood while eating lots of junk food and coffee. Then I went home and here I am tired as hell. Yes, I explained that fast. Because I am 1) really tired and 2) really fucking cold.

The picture of the day is a wallet Angela bought me! Its so cool I love it! And it was really sweet for her to buy it for me. I am totally gonna use it ALLLL the time.

Today was Todd's birthday. Happy birthday Todd. I didn't go with Amy and John to see him today. But I got to see him on my own. And I think that was better for me anyway. Even if it wasn't on his birthday.

Quotes of the day:
Zach: "My name is Rick Ricardo and I want to sell you pies."


Angela: "You can have Edward, I want Bill."

Me: "Zach its 50 degrees outside and you don't have a jacket and are wearing cut off shorts.. Aren't you freezing?"
Zach: "Not really."

I'm too tired to even think of a question of the day today and too cold. So instead. You can ask me one. No wait.. I'm too tired to answer a question too. Wait.. You can ask Edward Cullen one. Hold on

Me: /attemps to dazzle "Edward, wouldn't you love to answer questions my readers ask you?"
Edward: "No, and you can't dazzle me, Toby. You might be alot like Bella but I am immune to your dazzling."
Me: /pout "Pleaseeeeee?"
Edward: /Sigh "Fine..but they better not expect much from me. I'm just a piece of cardboard for God's sake. And you better stop making out with me after this! My beautiful pouty lips are starting to rub off."
Me: "Okay! We can just face touch from now on!" /jumps up and down excited

1 comment:

  1. many things. first. i just sat here and kept asking Edward questions (be it known that i am not dressed) and after a couple of questions... his answer was: I'm not sure. Would you please stop trying to take your clothes off?


    and second, my question about whether or not Quuuue loves me: Yes, of course. It's not my fault if you are exceptionally unobservant.

    I love your widget... made my day.

    third: recent posts in Twi-lounge: Who else could play Alice Cullen? *clears throat* mmmmm???
