Monday, October 5, 2009

Mission: Trublood

I basically didn't do anything most of the day. Until around 5ish when I went to Wal-Mart to get groceries and then went to Angela's house. Angela made yummy pancakes, hashbrowns and eggs for dinner. And then we started watching the Trublood series. Its awesome so far. Prettyyyyyy graphic though.

So today was the first day in like at least four days that I have actually talked to Hank. Here is how it went.

Hank: "Hey."
Me: "Sup?"
Hank: "Today is my birthday so I went to Western Sizzlin for lunch and got it free."
Me: "Nice."
Hank: "So what did you get me for my birthday?" /laughs maniacly
Me: /pulls a can of skettie'os out of the Wal-Mart bag "Here, dinner. Happy birthday, you can just pretend I didn't buy it with your money."

That was the first time in alot of years I've "given" him something for his birthday. He should be thankful! /snicker I am such a douche. But he is a bigger one. Its like a game we been playing. Who can be the bigger douche? I think I am winning.

Picture of the day is the key lime pie I brought Angela and I. It was damn good!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Have you ever lifted a towel with know what?"
Joseph: "Lol yeah it exercises the muscle and gives you stronger orgasms."
Me: "You were the first guy to admit it! You are a true man."

Me: "You make it sound like a secret mission. A secret mission to watch Trublood!"

Angela: "Okay wait.." /pauses video
Me: "Should we talk about Jesus first?"

Angela: "And his cookies were touching me!"

Me: "He is just so creepy and not hot I can't stand it. Can't Robert Pattinson do this? I mean I don't see any problem in him being Bill and Edward."
Angela: "Bill and Ed's excellent adventure!"

Angela: "I really thought we would have got further in the series than this."
Me: "We have failed our mission."

Me: "We are just really too a.d.d. for four episodes a night."

Question of the day:
Do you lift towels with your..uh you know what?


  1. ha i laughed and forgot to swallow my slobber first and got choked. /fail.....

    thanks for making me laugh. i'm on the meds this morning... panicking like a crazy woman today.... thank God for Lorazepam.

    Do you want to watch another couple episodes tonight? i figure 2... and then tomorrow at least 1 and then maybe the other 3 on Thursday so i can take the DVD's back. ??

  2. oh, and to tempt you further... i still have my pie... i'll share.

  3. As if I have to be bribed. I'll be there with bell's on! Isn't that the saying? That saying doesn't make sense though. How about I'll be there with my Bella necklace on! Yeah, lets go with that. Lets make that happen.
