Sunday, October 4, 2009

Called it!

Sigh. I didn't have money for gas to go to church today. Or get food. It was raining all day and Hank also took my only umbrella. So I had to take the dog outside in the rain without one. Luckly my Bella jacket has a hood. It helped. I mucked around most of the day on WoW and the Wii. Then Amy came and picked me up and we went to Church together and then they took me to McDonald's with me and bought me food. John hasn't stopped bothering me for ages to go to their church. So I made a deal with him, he reads Twilight and I'll go to his church. So I went and I gave him my Twilight book after. I hope he carries it around at work. Oh my gosh that would just make my day.

When I got home I was cold, tired and the bottom of my pants were wet from rain water. Stupid cold rain. So I got changed into some nice warm pjs. Made myself some tea and curled up in my computer chair with my blanket and some music. Right when I was debating on whether or not to read a book I got a text message from Lori. She said she had something important to tell me. The first thing that popped into my head was her being pregnant. Because well..she had told Angela and I one night she was really late and she asked us what could cause that. Angela said stress. And I said "Or being pregnant." And Lori said that wasn't possible because Kevin is "fixed." But I told her it IS possible just rare. And then last week I had a dream about her being pregnant and I told her about it and she just laughed. And then today when she texted me saying she had something to tell me I said "You're pregnant?" And she said yes! Holy shit I just can't believe it! She is pregnant. My first instinct was right and my dream was right. Only in the dream they had to move because of it. I don't think THAT will happen but still. I called it! And I'm excited. Even though their insurance doesn't cover it and she seems really stressed out about it. I am happy. I get another niece or nephew! And from LORI of all people. The one sister that said "I'm done." And the one sister I never pictured having kids anymore! I wonder if I will have a dream about it being a boy or a girl.. AH HA suck it Angela! I might be Bella but I just pulled an ALICE!

Picture of the day is Adam and Daniel in the back of the van playing with a stick and their McDonald's toys. Danny's grin cracks me up.

Quote of the day:
Me: "You're pregnant???"
Lori: "Yes."
Me: "Omg my dream was right!!! HOLY SHIT!!!"

Me: "Look I'm dressed like a dude again!"
Alan: "Fantastic."

Amy: "Why do you always carry that thing anyway it seems heavy?"
Me: "Because you never know when you need half this stuff." /pulls out midol
Amy: /sigh of relief
Me: "See! Oh and look!" /pulls out Twilight book "Didn't even know I had this in here! Perfect now I can give it to John tonight! A deal is a deal afterall."

Joseph: "For a girl who is so passive...when you make up your mind you sure do stick to it lol."

Question of the day:
Why can't I get tan?

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