Saturday, October 24, 2009


Amy randomly came to the house and woke me up this morning. Handing me this American Girl Doll named Kirsten. The story behind this is as follows. - When I was little I wanted this American Girl Doll. But these dolls are expensive and my parents couldn't afford it. So all my sisters, and my Mom all pitched in money to get it for me for my birthday. It was by far the best present I've ever received. Not only because I wanted it so badly for so long. But because they had all pitched in to get it for me. I took the doll everywhere. I wanted this one because it was a pioneer girl and I liked that time period and she had bangs like I did when I was that age. So I would always wear my hair like hers. A couple of years ago I sent my doll to my niece Laina because she wanted one and my sister couldn't afford it. She said she would give it back but she really loves it and wants one of her own. Then yesterday Amy and I found this doll at a flea market for 15 dollars. So Amy bought it for me and surprised me with it. Now I can send this doll to my niece and ask for mine back. Sentimental value and all. I can't wait to have it back.

Anyway, after Amy left Ashley and I baked cookies. Then we read Twilight magazines. Then I went to Lori's house and we went to Savers. I got three long sleeved shirts. I really needed some warm shirts. It was fun but Lori and Mom got into a huge argument. It was awkward. We went to Waffle House though that was fun. And then we went back to Lori's house. Angela and Austin came over and we watched the movie Ghosts of Girlfriend's Past. It was okay.

Quotes of the day:
Ashley: "These are like heaven cookies!"

Ashley: "Robert Pattinson's favorite cereal is cinnamon toast crunch! Isn't that your favorite?"
Me: "Yep."
Ashley: "You guy could eat that together!"
Me: "Yeah, that's totally my dream Ashley. To one day meet Robert Pattinson and say "Rob..will you eat cinnamon toast crunch with me?"
Ashley: "AWESOME!"

Me: "They have picket signs in the back!"
Lori: "'s just car show signs."
Me: "Oh..that was less epic than previously assumed."

Me: "You gonna finish eating that?"
Zach: "Yes!"
Me: "Come on Zach! I can feel you're full."
Me: "That's my vampire power, I can feel when people are full."
Zach: "So when Jasper yelled '5 second rule!' you just said 'no you're full!' and pushed him out of the way?"
Me: "Yes. So am I going to have to do that with you? Or are you going to be civil about this and just hand over the hashbrowns?"

Question of the day:
What is the lamest super power you can think of?


  1. lamest super power? i still think Marcus takes the cake on that one....

    but some others could be:

    1. able to match socks without looking
    2. braiding twizzlers with your tongue
    3. ability to blow out those birthday candles that relight themselves.

  2. oh... by the effin' way... that's the creepiest doll ever. Thought you were going to say it's the one that haunts your mom's curio cabinet and stares at you down the hallway!!! I totally would have believed that story!

  3. Ahahahaha. Bullshit! Kirsten isn't NEARLY as fucking creepy as THAT doll.
