Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fangtasia Delights

I woke up this morning from a dream, a dream of Quuuuue calling Angela tonight. It was a really weird black and white dream. Actually it was a black and white dream but a few things were in color. Like Angela's outfit (which she was so wearing tonight!) and her cell phone. It was like somebody used the color splash thing that comes on IPhones in my dream! Weird. Anyway, so I woke up after that dream and I was like huh Que is totally gonna call Angela tonight. So I told her I called it. And he totally did! Woot! I'm good! Totally pulled an Alice.

I got my other Bella bracelet in the mail today just in time for the Halloween party. And I baked some awesomely good looking and good tasting vampire cookies today. They were sorta time consuming but totally worth it. Lori didn't like them very much and I don't think Kevin did either. And they were the first people that saw them. So it kinda made me disappointed. But Lori just doesn't like jam cookies I guess. I was pretty damn proud of myself though. I was so excited and happy with how they turned out. Especially since I wasn't sure if I should poke the holes in them before or after they had baked. Turns out I was right to poke the holes before. Just in case you were wondering.

I went to Lori's house after and unloaded my rock band, my wii and my 5 disc cd changer for Lori to use at the party. I then got distracted by playing rock band with Zach. Then Lori and I went to Angela's for wild cat night. Where Angela spent the whole night doing Lori and Amy's hair. While I watched and yawned. Then we started making playlists for the party. It was fun.

Now I'm home and about to play WoW with Jojo for a while. By the way, Joseph is hereby called Jojo. It was either that or Joey. He picked Jojo. Personally I liked Joey better, but whatevz! I am going to get up early and bake tomorrow. Then apparently pick up the kids from school. Last minute request. /shrug

I am Sam is on t.v. right now. I love this movie. And I just mentioned it tonight. Which is weird. I remember when Cynthia and I would quote the "I WANNA GO TO IHOP!" from this movie when we were actually in IHop. I'm sure everybody there thought we were retarded. Not only because we were saying I want to go to IHop while we were in IHop, but also because we sounded retarded while doing so. Good times.. Good times..

Okay serious. Just had the cookies with hot tea. BEST FUCKING COOKIES I HAVE EVER MADE! EVERRRRR!

Quotes of the day:
Zach: "For somebody who doesn't like to sing you sing really well."
Me: "Aw thanks Zach."
Zach: "Yeah, I meant you sing well according to rock band."
Me: "Oh. Well, I am still going to consider that a compliment."

Me: "Bloody good cookies! Bhahaha get it!? Get it?? You get it."

Me: "What kind of harlet are you!?"

Austin: "My teeth fit right into the bite marks!"

Me: "I feel left out."
Amy: "Well why don't you go play with Austin?"
Me: "Maybe I will! He is cooler than you guys!"

Ashley: "Why is your rock band character half naked?"
Me: "Because..I'm too sexy.. Too sexy.. for my shirt.."

Alan: "Maybe if it needs to be shorter Angie can cut it a bit."
Me: "Angie? You mean Angela?"
Alan: "What I can't shorten her name?"
Me: "No. Unless you want to call her Alice. But not Angie.."
Alan: "Alice?"
Me: "Yes she is to Alice as I am to Bella. Duh.."
Alan: "I hate you so much right now."
Me: "Yes..yes I can tell the two of us are going to have so much fun with you and you will be so annoyed."
Alan: "It will be a nice change from your family being annoyed by me."

Question of the day:
What's the most disturbing and or uncomfortable moment you have had with a random guy?

1 comment:

  1. Question of the day:
    What's the most disturbing and or uncomfortable moment you have had with a random guy?

    Answer: Being Licked.

    Modified question: What's the most disturbing and or uncomfortable moment you have had with a guy you actually know?

    Answer: spooning... and either one of you has to fart. It's actually much worse when you are the one on the outside of the spoon and HE farts. REALLY disturbing.

    SO I seriously and totally LOVED the Alan and you quotes about what he is allowed to call me.
