Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jedi Mind Tricks

Today I slept on and off and ate soup and ate pie. I felt really shitty all day. Sore throat and fever. Freezing my ass off in this weather and my room never gets the right amount of heat and or air. Because my vent is broken. So although I smell the wonderful (sarcastic) smell of burnt dust, I do not feel the heat coming through my vent for crap. So I stayed in bed under two blankets and played WoW for a while. I read a little bit but everytime I picked up a book to read I would fall asleep. Fail.

I played alot of Jedi mind tricks on people today. It was kickass! That is all.

Quotes of the day:
Joseph: "Toby is fussing at me to heal."
Me: "I do not fuss."
Me: "I use jedi mind tricks. There is a difference."

Mom: "Would you like some pie with that whipped cream?"
Me: "Yes." /waves hand "You will go buy more whipped cream."

Me: "What is Bill's favorite magazine?"
Me: "Glamour! ahahahaha!"

Me: "I'm going to McDonald's with my nephews tomorrow..should be interesting. I bet I'll be working there in the near future."

Question of the day:
What's your favorite nickname?

1 comment:

  1. Punkie :-( it's my favorite.

    and i want pie too. i was near suicide yesterday. i truly needed interaction.
