Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Woke up early today got ready and spent like 30 minutes trying to find a pair of pants that fit me before giving up and wearing the same pair of pants I've been wearing for the past 4 days or more. I swear weighing 115lbs is great but its making me sad I don't fit into anything anymore. Then I went by Burger King to get some food on my way to Lori's house. I spent all day at Lori's helping her organize and get rid of stuff. Trying to prep the house for the baby. We got alot done. We took two boxes of stuff to Goodwill. And cleaned out the movie room. The T.V. that was in the movie room is now in Zach's room. And we cleaned out the closet in the movie room as well. We found Lori a new DVD player at Big Lots, and also got her some clothes. We got some Halloween stuff for the party at Wal-Mart. She got Adam's birthday gift along with some other stuff she needed. And we did all of this while Ashley was sick too. Lori was worried she wouldn't get much done since we got a late start and she had to pick Ashley up at school early this morning because she was sick. But we still got alot accomplished. I'm quiet proud. But tired.

We had to go to Hasting's to grab the birthday present for Adam. And Lori found this bracelet there and bought it for me. Its so cool! (See picture above, also you can see my Bella jacket!) Oh and today it was raining all day and I got to use my Edward umbrella for the first time! Friggin sweetness! Oh man, we went by Starbucks today too. Lori was craving it and when we got back to her house I said something that made her laugh while she was drinking. And she totally spit it out all over the place! It was funny.

I was planning on dropping by Angela's house after I was done at Lori's. But it was pretty late when we got done. Or at least it felt way later than it was. I am so fucking tired! I am going to finish my tea and go to bed. I think for once I'll actually be able to sleep! Maybe...

Today was all about shit. Whether it was us looking like shit, feeling like shit, or cleaning up shit..rat shit that is. It was all shit.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I look like shit."
Lori: "I look like more shit than you."

Me: "I'm so tired."
Lori: "I'm tired."
Lori: "My leg hurts so bad."
Me: "My legs hurt too."
Me: "I'm hungry."
Lori: "How the hell are you hungry?"

Lori: "What are you doing?"
Me: "Ashley and I can't figure out why your sim randomly got fat."
Ashley: "Maybe she is pregnant."
Me: "No that's not it. Oh, its because she is an elder."
Ashley: "Ohhh yeah!"
Me: "Okay I think we have offically depressed Lori. Moving on.."

Angela: "Has anyone seen my boyfriend? Vampire Bill? He's about yay tall and just as cute as the dickins!"

Lori: /laughs "Oops!"

/Lady Gaga - Poker Face plays on the radio
Me: "How do you bluff with a muffin?"
Lori: "Seriously?"
Me: "Does she mean like.. a muffin top? Like belly fat over her jeans?"
/Lori rolls her eyes

Question of the day:
What's black and white and red all over?

1 comment:

  1. answer: Sookie, in her uniform.... and Bill bites her in the throws of passion.

    I really wanted to watch more last night but I AGAIN went to bed early. Then I got up around 11, took a shower and talked on the phone with a friend.

    btw.... i'm having reoccurring dreams about the past. I'll need to share.
