Monday, October 26, 2009

Chocolate Macaroon

I spent all day feeling shitty. But Amy and the kids came over and that was fun. And then I went to Wal-Mart. I got baking stuff and hair dye. Hopefully chocolate macaroon will actually turn out the right color this time. Some guy in Wal-Mart tried to hit on me I think. I'm not really sure. It was weird. He was on the baking isle and was like "Oh you like to bake? I like women who know their place." And he winked at me. I'm not sure what he meant. And I'm not sure I want to know. I still feel shitty. I'm going to lay down.

Quotes of the day:
Amy: "How are you feeling? Mom said you were awake."
Me: "I feel shitty. And I am awake I just feel too shitty to get up and eat."
Amy: "Want me to hand you your food so you can eat on your bed?"
Me: "That's a brilliant idea!!!!"

Angela: "Do you think he's going to try to bust in on the party?"
Me: "Idk. But I'm kinda getting that feeling. But what do I know? I just have a shield."

Me: "At least you don't turn them gay like I apparently did with Alan."
Angela: "Not sure. Jamie? And people think Dallas is gay...and Marq! Remember."
Me: "People think Patty is gay too. =["
Angela: "Well we both have bad taste in men then. We like... Say it.. Out loud, say it... GAYS!"
Me: "Ahhhhhahahaha so funny and depressing at the same time."

Me: "Being gay is the easy way out. I know plenty of girls that could like me. But I hate girls more than guys. I would make a terrible lesbo too."
Angela: "Everything you just said!"
Me: "I can't be a lipstick lesbo. I don't wear make up. But I can't be a butch one..I like girly things too!"
Angela: "I'd def be a girly lesbo."
Me: "Can two girly lesbos date? Who would be on top?"

Me: "I think I want to be gay. How does one turn gay?"
Joseph: "I know I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body!!!"
Me: "Do I have to go find a lesbian and make her bite me to turn gay? Like a vampire?"
Me: "That could be fun!"
Joseph: "I wanna watch..."
Me: "So you are a lesbian!"

Joseph: "And we fail again."
Me: "You're a guy you always fail."


  1. seriously. who reads this again? haha. I'm not sure I want the whole world knowing that I can't be anything more than a Labrador. I hate being every man's best friend.

    maybe I should just give up.

  2. btw... am I doing your hair tonight? I kinda want to... and I want cookies.


  3. Yes hair! I don't know about highlights. Yes cookies!
