Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rest In Pieces

I was searching through my recipes the other day when I noticed this one. I'm pretty sure I stole the name from that song called Rest In Pieces by Saliva, though I like it since the recipe calls for Reese's Pieces. Har har. When I saw the recipe I figured it would be good for today. Since today was Papa's funeral, I don't know it seemed like a good tribute to him. (Too bad they were so sicking sweet it made Angela gag lulz!) I got up took a shower fed the animals and all that then I went to Wal-Mart and got the stuff I would need to bake my cookies. When I came home and baked them, I sat down with my cookies and a coke and I wrote a letter to Papa. Later I went outside and I sat down and read the letter outloud. I then tore it up and let it blow away. I am still disappointed I wasn't able to go to his funeral. I really wanted to and I don't fully understand why my Mom was so adamant about me not going. I thought I would have to go there and be at the funeral to get the closure I needed. But I talked to Patty about it and he said "As corny as it sounds have your own 'funeral' for him." And as corny as it sounds it worked. Thanks Patty.

I went to Wild Cat night but everybody backed out but me. Amy was tired and had two sick kids and Lori had to work late. Oh and Angela fell asleep and kept kicking me lol. I'm used to people falling asleep around me though, I am boring! But its okay she woke up and we still got to laugh alot and I got to tell her "THE STORY." Its funny because she acted like it was so dire to hear, then I forgot until the last minute and told her and she was just all "ah." I guess it wasn't as impressive as she thought it would be.

So the best part about today was when I went to Wal-Mart and some random clean cut guy was hitting on me. He really gave me this creepy vibe and he said my hair looked shiney and healthy. What kinda pick up line is that?! That's taking clean cut to a whole new level! So eventually I just start walking away and he is like "Wait! I don't bite!" Of course, me being the vamp lover that I am, can't help but automatically think, what you don't? /pout So I turn around and say "I'm really not interested then!" While flailing my arms around in exasperation. Then I took off running before he can say anything else to ruin my moment of hilarity. I cracked up laughing at my own inside joke for a good 15 minutes after that. I'm sure he thinks I'm insane but you know what? I think he is insane. And I amused myself so I don't care.

All day I have been seeing something out of the corner of my eye that looks like a person but its white. It has been freaking me out cuz I keep thinking somebody is there. But when I look I don't see anything. Angela thinks its a guardian angel or spirit guide or something or maybe they are the same thing? I don't know! But she said its there to make me feel at ease. But I can't help it its freaking me out. But now that she told me that I'm wondering if it has to do with the "funeral" I had for Papa today. I don't know but I hope its gone by tomorrow. I don't need some white thing following me around. I get enough weird people creeping me out on a daily basis I don't need one that lives with me!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Fucking beautiful day outside today!"
Angela: "And I'm STUCK inside."
Me: "That's what Que said!!!! Ahahahahahahahaha!"

Creeper guy: "Its very shiney and healthy looking."

Creeper guy: "Wait! I don't bite!"
Me: "I'm really not interested then!"

Angela: "They want to comfort not frighten. They do listen to you."
Me: "Really? Weird. So if I tell it to wash my dishes will it?"
Angela: "Ha! Try it. If it works let me know. I just want mine to fold laundry."

Me: "You like ride a bike when you laugh really hard."
Angela: "And you swim."

Question of the day:
Do guardian angels do dishes?
Tune in tomorrow, same time, same place to find out!

1 comment:

  1. OMG. your QotD's are seriously making me laugh out loud! I had forgotten about the beautiful day/stuck inside one.... and I totally have to make the comment about the bike and swimming laugh styles... because I'm hoping this would have nothing to do with supernatural afterlife powers. I mean, being a really good swimmer could come in handy but I'd be really embarrassed if someone asked, "so, what's your super power?"... and I had to respond, "oh, I'm a badass on a bike. You should see me take hills, I'm real fast... as if you could outride me!"

    AND.... about the spirit guide thing!... I was telling Austin about it this morning on the way to his friends before school and we came to the conclusion that it was MOST likely related to Papa's funeral... OR maybe it was Papa telling you goodbye and giving you your OWN closure. :-) *smoochies*
