Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Team Edward

Its already day 8 of September. I have had my Twilight calender on July/August for the past 8 days still. But who can blame me when its Edward? I took a picture of it today in hopes that I'll be able to finally say goodbye to it and move on tomorrow haha. Oh how I miss summer already. /pout

I saw Lori, Kevin and the kids tonight. Mom and I went out to eat with them at Chili's. We gave them the Arizona t-shirts we got for them. I asked them if they wanted to spend the night at my house on Friday night, and they agreed. Looks like I'll be picking them up after school. I'm excited. I have secretly always wanted to pick them up from school. Though I really wish they didn't have to go back to school so soon, and am still sad that I missed being here for their first day. I am extremely happy that I will finally be able to drive by myself to pick up the kids from school! I remember when Amy used to pick me up from school back when I went to New Horizon Academy. Ugh, with my little catholic school girl uniform. /shivers Anyway, she would make me smores and bring them with her. One time she had to use colored marshmallow's because we were out of the white ones. She thought I would be disappointed but it just added to the excitement factor. Maybe I should do that for the kids. They would love that! Oh, I can't wait!

I went to Hastings after and rented some movies. Two vampire movies and one random romantic comedy so Mom wouldn't bitch at me when I forced her out of the living room to watch my vampire movies on the big screen. /snicker I literally just went down the comedy/drama isle and grabbed the first movie I hadn't seen. Even if Mom has seen it, which i doubt, she won't remember it. She never remembers seeing movies. I find it both hilarious and fucking annoying when I say "I don't want to see that, we saw it already" and she insists she hasn't when I know damn well I saw it with her. I have a nearly perfect memory for God's sake!

When I was at Hastings I went to look at the books, like normal. I have been thinking about reading that series that Angela is reading. The True Blood series, but I can't decide. The Vampire Dairies series seems interesting too. And yet I'm not sure if I really want to read another Vampire series at the same time. /shrug Either way, I was sitting down reading part of the book. And two tween girls walked by and one of them stopped and pointed to my Twilight bag. And said, "What team?" At first I didn't realize what the hell she was talking about. But then I realized she was asking me if I was on Team Jacob or Team Edward. So of course I answered, "Team Edward." They both gave me the most disgusted looks I've ever recieved from tween girls without rolling my eyes or verbally abusing them. And the shorter girl said "Gross.." while the other girl said "Bloodsucker." And they both walked away. The whole time I was just sitting there with the book in front of my face frozen. Until about 5 minutes after when I was just like..wait, did I just get called a bloodsucker? At that point I couldn't help but crack up laughing. Even though its hilarious, I can't help but wonder if they just go around randomly asking that to anybody they say, Twilight bag or not. Wouldn't that be funny? Kinda makes me want to do it. Next random person I see I'm going to go up to them and say, "What team?" And if they answer Jacob I'll look at them like they are stupid and say "mongrel." Ahahahaha! No but really Angela and I are going to figure out where those tweens live and spray paint "Dog house" on their front door.

That being said, I read Eclipse for the..I don't know third time? Forth? And I have decided that Jacob really does get on my last nerve. And even though I laughed and thought Bella was stupid for punching Jacob in the nose when she should have known she would just break her hand. I can't help but think, I would do the EXACT same thing. Only after I broke my hand I would realize that didn't work, pick up a crowbar and go back at it. Hmm I just got a brilliant beyond brilliant idea for tomorrow's cookie idea!


  1. ok. i think i did it???


  2. That is crazy!!! Oh, I do remember the smores...how funny, I had forgotten about that, I surprise you remember...actually I'm not our memory is much better than mine.
