Monday, September 21, 2009

No, you.

I woke up at 7am this morning by a phone call from my Mom. She was frantic about something stupid that she needed Hank to do for her. Who knows? So I went to leave a note for Hank saying to call her when he woke up. Only to find a note from him to me saying "Do my laundry for me its on the floor in the laundry room. -Hank" Smirking to myself at the convince of this I quickly wrote "No, you. -Karen" If you don't get it let me explain. Friday night Karebear, my dog wouldn't go to the bathroom outside and I was worried she wouldn't be able to last all night and all morning until I woke up to feed her. So I left a note for Hank saying "Please take Karebear outside before you leave for work, you don't have to feed her or anything. -Karen" Since he had to get up at 6am anyway, I figured it wasn't much to ask. I woke up the next morning to find a note under my note saying "No, you. -Hank"

Anyway, he had off today but he was gone doing who knows what. Then he comes back and says he is going out to eat to Chili's and said I could go with him. So how do you think "dinner with Hank" went? This is how. We both drove to Chili's in our own cars. We walk in, sit down, order our drinks. There was a long awkward silence until he said " you still like riding your bike?" I had to think for a minute about when was the last time my bike was even rideable. Because as of right now and for as long as I can remember its literally been apart of our yard, I'm pretty sure the thing has roots coming out of it. So then I say "My bike hasn't worked since I was 10 years old." This was accompanied with another long pause until he responds with "Ah..well lets get this order to go." I ordered the most expensive thing on the menu since he is paying. Ribs, please and thanks! Then we get our food and leave. As we are walking to our separate cars he says "Well..this was fun..bye." And that concludes my dinner with Hank. The first "dinner" I have had with him since I was at least 7 years old. And hopefully the last for a while. But I got food out of it, so one can't complain too much.

I've spent the remainder of my day drawing, reading and playing with Karebear. She is in desperate need of a bath but what can I say I'm lazy right now. I haven't got another call from Mom today and I can't help but wonder if its because Papa is doing worse. I'm debating back and forth on whether or not I want to brave through another Arizona trip for his funeral when the time comes or not. But I'm not debating too much since I really don't want to think about his death being that soon..even if it is.

My picture of the day is my to-go box of bbq ribs. You know that makes you hungry just looking at it..don't lie.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "lol I love you, you crazy pixie you."
Angela: "I love you too!"

Me: "I'm not psychotic I'm just bizarre."

Question of the day:
Why don't they make root beer flavored ice cream? Wouldn't it be better than root beer floats?

1 comment:

  1. mmmmmm those ribs look FREE! I'm glad Hank took you to dinner. A girl needs a night out with her father every 10 to 15 he was right on time!
