Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ice ice baby

The picture is a picture of my new necklace that I also got at the festival this weekend. It says "Bella" on a grain of rice. And the rice is in water inside a heart shaped lil bottle. I have another necklace kinda like this with a grain of rice that says "Toby" on one side and "Karen" on the other. So Ashley said I should get one that says "Bella" instead of the same names again. So there it is, my Bella necklace! It took forever to pick out the beads of the necklace. I got tired of looking through them all and was just about to grab one I thought was okay. But Ashley insisted none of them were "me" and that I had to have a blue one. So we finally found the perfect one after much looking. She says "Not only is it perfect because its blue and so "you" but also because blue is the color of ice and ice stands for Edward." Seriously, I was the proudest Aunt at that moment. Bring me a progress report with an A, tell me you won some random award, whatever, sure I'll be proud. But make a connection to Edward like that and oh my god! You had me at ice.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "I'm going nuts!"
Me: "You enjoy nuts though."
Angela: "Ahhh touche."

Joseph: "Fuck me!"
Me: "No thanks."

Random Mom in WoW: "They were bad boys. Bad boys."
Me: "Whatcha gonna do. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you!"

Question of the day:
Why are hot dogs called hot dogs when they are made from pigs?


  1. Excellent QotD. I hate that they are called hotdogs because in the summer when my dogs come in from outside, they smell like hot dogs, not literally Hotdogs, actually more like doritoes.

    Lori has inventory tonight. I am planning on washing the dogs before WCN, you can come over whenever you want to. :-) I need this story.
