Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Long strange trip

Lori had off today so we decided to go to the dollar movies together. We went to Arby's then went and saw The Proposal. It was a pretty good movie. Pretty funny. I'm glad I've actually been able to spend some time with Lori lately. I hardly ever get to see her. But lately I've been able to see her at least once a week (not counting wed nights.) Kevin has to work later than normal tomorrow so I'm going to be picking up the kids from school again. I'm excited I enjoy picking them up from school. I'll take them back to Lori's house and I'm going to bake my cookies there so Ashley and Zach can help. I know how much Ashley enjoys helping me bake. I already know what I'm baking too. I was muckin around today in my room and reading one of my journals and found one of my old recipes. It was written in glitter pen and I couldn't help but crack up at myself when I read it. It sounds good but the name is just hilarious. I was so angsty. Ha I still am. Its great though.

When we came back to the house and Lori went home I realized it was twilight hour and the sky looked pretty so I went outside and just sat on the edge of the road for a while and watched it get dark. Rogue of course followed me and was purring the whole time just sitting next to me. He is so crazy.

After that I got in WoW and killed the Brewfest boss. I got the achievement "Brewmaster" and the achievement "What a long, strange trip its been." The second achievement proves I have been playing WoW for ages. That achievement alone takes a year to complete. But I did it and I got a brand new mount for it. Its the violet proto drake. Its faster than a normal flying mount. I beat most of the guild in getting it I think. I beat Crom anyway..ha ha sucker.

Now I'm watching Hell's Kitchen. I love the chef in this show, he is such a douchebag! So anyway, the first picture is from me sitting on the side of the road during twilight hour. Not as pretty as the ones in Arizona but meh! The second picture is one I got those two achievements, and I'm dressed like a blood elf. And the last picture is of my new mount. Huzzah.

Quotes of the day:
Lori: "Gumby really?! What the crap!"

Me: "It was like..."
Lori: "Fate?"
Me: "I was gonna say coincidence but fate works too."

Question of the day:
Why doesn't McDonald's sell hot dogs?

1 comment:

  1. did you deliberately leave out the type of cookies you are making this week? and also, did you make the decision to bake at Lori's house so her kids could FINALLY have some of the cookies you make for them?
