Friday, September 18, 2009

Rockin out

Fuck me! I forgot to watch Vampire Dairies last night! Now how will I ever be able to follow next weeks episode?! No really I'm totally joking. I bet nothing happened. I bet Stefan and his brother argued and then started making out. Or Stefan's brother killed somebody and THEN they started making out with all the blood on their lips. That's how lame this show is turning out to be. Sigh. Wtb Twilight t.v. show pst!

So I woke up today after about 2 hours sleep. Made a bowl of cereal, watched know just chillin. Then I realized, oh yeah its just me here. Unless you count my Jack Sparrow and Edward Cullen cardboard cutouts.. So how do I spend the day by myself and not go crazy with cabin fever? Oh that's easy. /dances around in undies while playing rock band 2

The first picture is my rock band guitar that looks like one of Kurt Cobain's. The second picture is a picture of Kurt's guitar. See how awesome that is?! /grin

No quotes of the day, as pretty as Jack Sparrow and Edward Cullen are, they don't talk much. /shrug

Random lyrics of the day: (name that song!)
Maybe I was too pale
Maybe I was too fat
Maybe you had better
Better luck in the sack
No formal education
I swore way too much
I swear you didn't care
Cause we were in love

Random Question of the day:
So I saw a woman breast feeding her baby in the middle of the mall yesterday. And she had like tattoos and stuff and looked like she might work at hot topic. And I just gotta ask this because it came to mind..
If a woman has her nipple pierced and she is breast feeding, does the milk come out of three holes?

1 comment:

  1. i dare to answer the QotD: Actually something I didn't know about the anatomy of the nipple until it was used in the appropriate, God given way, was that it actually is a multi-holed body part in its own respect. When nursing the infant there are multiple naturally occurring holes that allowed the milk to pass through. Also, they are not all pointed in the same direction and they do not always stop expressing milk when the suction is released... which means, that your child can lose connection either by accident or by choice and the milk will continue to squirt out at an extraordinary rate of speed in ALL directions. It may shoot someone in the eye... or form quick puddles on a church pew... or EVEN go in your OWN mouth!

    ok. I can't even say anything else. *deep breath*
