Saturday, September 5, 2009

I enjoy blogs

Today I went to the library with Amy, Adam, Daniel and Caleb. We went to Sonic after and then to Lori's house. Angel, Lori and I spent a good hour trying to decide what we wanted to do, during this hour I couldn't sit still at all. Angela did tell me where my apple is located though! I won't go into that much, but I will say its when you smile and now that I know where it is I can't stop poking at that spot on my face. Then Angela decided we would just go to Searcy. So we went there and just kinda drove around for a while before landing at Payless shoes. Then we walked over to Hastings. Then we got hungry and decided on Chili's. I ordered chicken with honey mustard that ended up being fish. Another reason I hate chicken, I guess. Angela and Lori insisted it wasn't fish, but it was, I almost threw up.

Then we went to this place called Underground. It's a coffee place. Sounds like a vampire hangout spot, looks like one too actually lol. But it was fun, awesome actually. I love coffee shops! Angela and Lori taught me how to play MASH, which I had never done before. And they made me do this weird game where you draw a picture using specific things, and each thing represents something depending on how you put it in your picture. The sun stands for you, which I put setting but shining, which means I have low self confidence (duh) but still shine bright or some crap lol. The tree meant my religion which was hilarious because I had two trees, that seems fitting since I am unsure of my religion for now and have been for a while. My house which means family was small and hidden, not really showing much. Not sure what that means exactly but probably something like I love them but they sometimes annoy the crap out of me and drive me insane? I didn't draw any people which meant I was a loner, fitting as well. The snake represented fear and my snake was a rattlesnake which meant my fear would warn me before it happened or something. But it was heading toward my "body of water" which represented my sexuality which meant I was scared of sex, TRUTH! My picture was very detailed and symetrical too which probably meant something like creative or something I don't know but it was fun, and mostly accurate.

As for the MASH game, I will marry Robert Pattinson, we'll have a black and blue wedding, we'll live in a shack in Scotland, be poor lol, honeymoon on Isle Esme, have a firebird, be celebrities, have five kids and a dog, Jacob. Don't ask me how we're poor and have rich things and are celebs, but I guess that's because of the five kids? I don't know haha. Or maybe we are saving up for five colleges. Or "shacks" in Scotland are actually castles and poor in Scotland is actually rich in America, yeah that's it! But anyway..Angela got to marry Jacob. So technically, she is marrying my dog. In your face Angela, you cradle robber, you.

Angela was friggin reading my mind left and right today! Her visions are becoming stronger, oh noes! No but seriously, I like that I can just give Angela one look and she'll know whats going down. And she knows what I'm going to say before I say it. Having your own personal Alice is great! I'm glad we all three got to spend time together today. I had fun, finally today I was distracted enough from my depressing weekend to be happy.

Okay so the first picture is one of the new Twilight tee-shirts I got that I wore today. Its hard to wear the shirt and not want to play ball, or at least yell "play ball!" The back is the Forks High School logo, sweetness! Second is Angela and I being silly and pointing to our MASH game and matching Twilight tees. The third is Angela, Lori and I. By the way, you can see my apples in these pics! /giggles

Quotes of the day:
(There are really too many to mention so i'm just saying the ones I can think of lol.)

Angela: "We taught Karen what a snatch was!"
Me: "I enjoy..*insert whatever random thing we were talking about I said this phrase all day long about everything*"
Me: "This doesn't please me.."

1 comment:

  1. hahaha... i laughed SO hard about the QOTD... snatch, hehe...

    and just so you know. i couldn't figure out at first what you meant by marrying Jacob. i just don't call him that at home, he's just taylor.

    i enjoy meerkats!! i do not enjoy random MOM's hanging out in the coffee shop giving everyone the evil eye and telling them to settle down when they get a little rowdy!

    btw.... i NEED s'mores soon!
