Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mazzio's Italian Eatery

I woke up early today for the festival. Lori and I went to McDonald's for breakfast. Then we went to Mazzio's..where Norm was working. Then we went to the festival to set up. We basically didn't sell any pizza until like 12 which is not a huge surprise. Not many want pizza so early in the morning. It was a tiring day. We sold alot of pizza, got sunburned (badly and in the middle of September), saw a stormtrooper, played rock band, sang and danced in front of alot of people and spent way too much money on funnel cakes and other junk foods. The stormtrooper in the picture was just some random guy there that was walking around. I was going to take my picture with him just be like "hey dude take a picture with me." But I think Lori's "boss" Tom already didn't like me. I don't like him either. He was a real douche. He made me "fix" my shirt because I had it tied in the back because it was too big and long. And he was just really annoying. Lori wasn't exaggerating when she said he was annoying. Luckily, the Greek guy that works for Lori (can't say or spell his name) was there, and even though I had met him before and thought I didn't like him. He is actually really cool. I was glad he was there. And was even more glad a select few weren't there long and I made myself scarce when they were.

Ashley and Zach were there for most of the day today. And there was this guy right across the road from us who had his booth set up and he was a DJ. We became friends because he was awesome and he would play awesome music and Lori and I would start singing and dancing really loudly. We had no shame. And he had a mic and would call out to us and people kept starring it was funny. Eventually I gave the DJ a free slice of pizza and for the rest of the day he would plug us. Yelling out on his mic to go grab some pizza from the Mazzio's booth. And then Zach and I would keep coming over to play rock band 2. Because he had it set up when he wasn't playing music for everybody to play. Zach and I would put our names on the list then go sell pizza and he would call our name and we'd pause and run up there and rock out to a song. Every time I was up there (a couple of times by myself too) he would be like "Its Karen from the Mazzio's booth over here to rock out for us on rock band 2!" It was hilarious. Especially the first time when he said he was surprised I was actually good. By the end of the day I gave that dude a whole box of free pizza and we had heard the song "Eye of the tiger" over 20 times.

I bought some stuff I'll have to take pictures of the stuff for tomorrow. But right now I have to go put more baby powder on my sunburn. And go to bed because I'm so tired and I want to keep myself distracted still. There was way too many quotes of the day to even start to name any of them. And I'm too tired and in pain to bother. You'll get over it. In the meantime, check out the awesome picture of the stormtrooper! You could add your own captions like "She isn't the droid I'm looking for.." or "What do you mean this isn't volunteer work for the empire?"

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