Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why I protest MTV

I woke up today and everybody was over at my house for lunch. We had lunch and spent time together before Amy and I went to Wal-Mart. Then we came back and played the Twilight board game. Of course I kicked butt. I beat them all bwhahahaha! I only missed one trivia question and it was because I confused myself. The question was what year was Edward born. And I said 1918, thinking of the year he was transformed into a vampire. Duh..the year he was actually born was 1901. Stupid me.

Speaking of Twilight, today was Bella's birthday. In the book that is. Even though technically if Twilight was real she would be a vampire by now and wouldn't have birthday's. Hmm..

After that I took the kids back to their house and I went over to Angela's to hang out. Making it the billionth time this month that we have tried to watch Twilight with the commentary. And instead we just talked and watched the MTV music awards. Making it the first time in 5 years that I have watched that channel. I have been protesting it because its a horrible station. My main reason being that support abortion too much. But today reminding me that there are so many more reasons to protest that horrible channel.. But I did get to see the stars of Twilight and a brand new extended trailer for New Moon! Wish it was November already!!

But seriously i'm going back to protesting MTV and not watching it again because its horrible. Hearing people say "this is award is for God and the gays" being one reason. Jack Black praying to Satan for another. Kayne West being a complete jerk as always. And all in all its just not entertaining. Add that to the fact its the biggest pro-choice station in the world and thats alot of good reasons to hate it.

I had alot of fun with Angela tonight. It was fun watching Kayne West make a complete idiot out of himself. Especially since people were finally like "hey he is a douchebag!" And I could finally go "THANK YOU! I always knew he was I'm glad you finally realize!"

I'm too tired to keep going so here are some random stuff and then I'm done.

Random thing that happened today:
I was driving home and I was on my road, completely dark, pitch black, no street lights, no cars behind me. And I am looking at the road and in the corner of my eye in the rearview mirror I see two glowing red eyes. Clear as day, glowing red eyes. I slam on my breaks and turn around and there is nothing there. Just my empty backseat, and pitch black darkness. I turn back around to start driving quickly the rest of the way to home, and I drive up a little bit and I see a coyote run across the road. He stopped dead and starred at me for a second then bolted. Fucking creepy! Here is what comes to mind from that - Red eyes = Volteuri Coyote = Werewolf. I blame my active imagination, too much Twilight, and Angela's ghost stories.

Quotes of the day:
Ashley: "Oh right his name is James.. Well it should be Jason, that seems more like what he should be named. Since he is a vampire and he has a pony tail."

Angela: "My _____ is small." (fill in the blank using your imagination!)

Random Question of the day:
Why does Kayne West have no shame at all?

P.s. I like this picture of Angela but I think she might be pissed off at me. Oh well it was my only picture from today. /halo

1 comment:

  1. no, i'm not pissed off at you for the picture. it's fine, i don't care...

    My ________ is abnormally small.

    and .... the red eyes... BEARS!!

    next question: Why are some of the links for other blogs in your (and my) archives different colors?
