Monday, September 7, 2009

Tricks and sticks

My mind is playing tricks on me lately. I get very few hours of sleep. And then either wake up every five minutes until I give up. Or wake up from a night terror. Or that very special situation where I wake up and I know I'm awake but I'm still dreaming, so I see things in my room. That's just the best isn't it? Gah, I hate it. This morning I woke up like that. I swear on my life I thought somebody was in my room and talking to me. I can't even remember what they were saying. I just remember jumping off my bunk and stumbling out of my bedroom with my eyes closed, hearing the voice all the way down the hall. Until I got to the living room, then I realized I was completely awake the voice was gone I didn't see anything, and nobody was home. Fun times! Whatever.

Amy and the kids were here most of the day. And then John came later and we had steak for dinner. I always enjoy my time with them of course. Caleb seems to always want to knock down Edward. Adam always wants to play Wii. Daniel, well he is happy just having a stick from our yard. John accidental broke Daniel's stick tonight. Daniel was so upset he cried and pouted for at least a good 15 minutes. Until John got some duct tape and taped each end back together. He smiled really big and acted like it was the greatest stick in the world now. Like the silver tape somehow made it newer and better than it was before it was broke. It was such a childlike display. Not as in immature exactly but..I don't know, childishly enduring. I love that he is like that and I only hope that all the kids keep that same quality with them the rest of their life. Being able to be sad one minute and then happy the next. Being able to enjoy something as simple as a stick, and yet devastated when its broken. Then happy again when its temporarily fixed. The whole thing is just so very enduring. Its a quality I'd like to think I still carry with me. And hope I never lose. Being childlike is a very useful thing. More people should notice that.

I was suppose to go to Angela's today. But since Amy and the kids were here for so long I wasn't able to. But that's okay, I'll see her sometime this week. Maybe go early Wednesday. I will make up to her with cookies! Something special hmm..what kind I wonder? Maybe something comical to make her laugh. I love making Angela laugh. Making her laugh makes me laugh. And sometimes making myself laugh makes her laugh lol. Its good times!

The picture is Daniel and his stick, with the tape, smiling down on it. My hand is holding him still and the picture is still blurry because he wouldn't sit still from excitement lol. You'll have to excuse my appearance I'm barefoot and in my pj's.

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how much you mean to the kiddos! Thank you so much for loving each one just the way they are!
