Thursday, September 24, 2009


Had like two hours sleep today. I have had the worst time sleep this week. I can't remember the last night had even four hours straight. But I'm hoping tonight will be different because I'm going to need my strength tomorrow. But anyway, I mucked around at the house again tried for hours to get rid of my migraine. And basically just sketched until I went over to Angela's house. She made pizza it was goooood. I was starving too so yeah lol. Then we watched Survivor and Grey's Anatomy. It was fun. Then I went to Lori's house and picked up a Mazzio's t-shirt to wear for tomorrow and saturday. I ninja'ed a coke from her to help me stay awake on the way home. I was really tired driving. Bella's Lullaby came on and I swear I fell asleep for a minute and then switched cds to Foo Fighters so I could stay awake. I just got done packing a bag for tomorrow night when I spend the night at Lori's. So now I'm going to try and go to bed. Maybe I can get some sleep now. Sorry this is the most boring of blogs but I'm soooo tired and bleh feeling.

The picture is a picture of the stuff on top of my speaker. I haven't dusted in a while which is bad for somebody so allergic. But that's not the point.. The point is my little pirate duck keeps getting moved and I'm not the one moving it! Its freaking me out. I mean you can clearly see that its moved because you can see its fI don't know..whatever. /shrugs

I got my Grunt the murloc marine today! He friggin has a gun and shoots at other pets. Well okay he just shoots the Zergling pet but its still hilarious. So thats the first picture. Grunty in his lil space suit and machine gun. I'm so not even in the mood to be creative with my blog title either so thats it. Grunty makes the title. Peace out cub scout.

Quotes of the day:
Adam: "Mom why do we have to take a bath can't we just let the rain wash it off?"

Daniel: "I don't want to clean up the playdough just let Caleb eat it."

Angela: "If you ever look at my boyfriend naked in the shower again, I'll punch you in your lesbian junk!" (No she wasn't talking to me lol.)

Lori: /holds up thumb "Sit and spin!"

Question of the day:
Why isn't there a restraunt that carries both pepsi and coke products? Why is it always one or the other? And better yet what would happen if there was a restraunt that carried both? Would the world come to an end?


  1. I'm confused. I don't see a pirate duck?

    also... i forgot to put in that quote: HOT

    so it was: "If you ever look at my HOT boyfriend naked in the shower again, I'll punch you in your lesbian junk!"

  2. Its right there in front of the boba fett bobble head. Can't you see his eye patch and skull and crossbones logo?

    And actually I don't even think that guy was that hot. I like McDreamy better.

  3. I'm so proud. My boys made the quote of the day :)
