Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Alan and Timmy

So yesterday was Alan's birthday. Then today was Timmy's birthday. Yeah, he was born on 9-11 lulz. Sucks for him right? Anyway, today was pretty busy. Lets see if I can sum this up. I actually had 8 hours of sleep for once in forever. I only woke up 4 times during the night and was still able to go back to sleep. That. Is. A. Miracle.

I woke up took a shower, stuck my hair in a pony tail, drank coffee, went to the store to buy stuff to make smores, saw a really hot guy that I couldn't stop starring at. Then I went to sonic got Amy and I a drink. Went to Amy's house had lunch with them. Spent a few hours there, made smores for Adam and Daniel and extra for Zach and Ashley. Daniel kissed me on my tummy when I was leaving and left a huge chocolate lip mark on my t-shirt. Then I went to the school to pick up Zach and Ashley. Sat there for 30 minutes waiting for them. Ashley was late because apparently Jc (that's a girl) got dumped by her boyfriend and was crying on the bus. Yeah, I don't know, middle school drama lol! Then they both finally got there I hugged them (they are okay with me hugging them while they are still on school grounds! Aw!)

Then we went to sonic (again) and we all got drinks. Then we went back to their house to drop off their school bags and pick up their after night bags. Then we went back to my house to pick up Mom. Then we went to the library, then Hastings, then Cici's pizza. We took forever to pick out two movies at Hastings, all so we could just come home and watch my Twilight dvd with the commentary on. That's what I get for quoting it all the time around them.

Okay, now for my Cici's story. We walk in and he asks Ashley's age, then Zach's, except when he was asking Zach he was already typing him in for the discount. Then he looks at me and says "and 13." And types me in for the discount. And we all just stood there and looked at each other. And I'm like "I'm 22." And he pauses and stares at me like I'm an alien and says "I'm sorry?" And I say "I'm 22." And he says "Oh..I already typed it in." So I shrug and grab my plate and walk away as I hear my Mom saying "All my daughters are like that!" Oh God, kill me now. So at that point my face is as red as a tomato. And Ashley quickly makes things worse by saying loudly "Its just like that time with Stefan the Carnie!" Great. So then I go and sit down and my Mom proceeds to repeat the embarrassment like three times saying "He thought you were 13 or 14! /laughs!" At that point I was just pissed and was like "Yeah, thanks, it was offensive the first time." Good times. Seriously, its great I got a discount out of it and what not. But 13? Really? Okay, sure, I'll give you that I don't like 22. But 13!? Sigh. I look like a little girl who hasn't even fully developed. When in fact, this is as developed as I'll ever get. Thanks. Looks like I'll be wearing make up alot more now. Cool!

At some point during the day I realized I hit 50,000 miles! Go me! I remember the day I told Val.. "Look Val, my goal is to get my driver's license before I hit 50,000 miles on my car. So get off my back already!" Good times. Well, I just hit it today so I'm way ahead of schedule! Ha..

After Cici's we went home and I showed the kids some funny Twilight spoofs and then we watched Twilight with the commentary. And I cracked up at their reactions when they walked into my room and saw Edward. Zach just paused while in mid sentence and raised his eyebrows. And Ashley goes "AHHHHWHATTHECRAP!!!" Anyway, tomorrow we are going to bake cookies and play the Twilight board game. And I'm going to probably take them out to the movies. And maybe the mall (ugh hope they don't want to do that!)

Quote of the day:
Me: "I guess this is what I get for wanting to be a vampire. I actually won't ever age. I'll always look prepubescent."
Ashley: "And I wanted to see why she was crying so I like waited and then Ashley was all 'her boyfriend dumped her' and I was all 'Oh is that all? Okay I gotta go bye!'"
Zach: "Yeah, I kicked her in the butt and I actually seriously hurt my leg on her tailbone."
Me: "No, I'm not short.. Edward is just tall! Okay, maybe I'm short. Can we call it fun size instead? It makes me sound delicious!"
Zach: /imitating James from Twilight "Ohhh you brought a snack!"

Random Question of the day:
Am I the only one that gets nervous and sick to my stomach when I even get near a school?

Peace out cub scout! (btw Ashley joined the scouts! Aw!)

1 comment:

  1. What's Zach kicking girls' butts for? Oh, an I still think that guy was visiually impaired.
