Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hold me together Peanuts

The cookies I baked today have so many different meanings really. They were pretty much inspired by New Moon. And how Bella feels being without Edward. The hole inside her. How she constantly has to put her arms around her stomach to hold herself together. Peanut butter always reminds me of Jacob now. Its such a best friend flavor. So why not use peanut butter cookies for this? Besides the marks on the cookies made by the forks reminded me of the hole again. And that's how I came up with the name. Though it also has a double meaning. I always used to call Patty peanut. Sigh. Fuck me.

I had fun tonight at Wild Catz night. Even though we really didn't talk too much. We mostly watched videos online. And Angela dyed and styled Lori's hair. Either way it was a much needed break from depression. Now I have to get some sleep so I'm able to drive to McCain and back tomorrow to drop Mom off to go to Arizona. Fun..

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Me likey the idea of half vampire half wolves."
Angela: "Would they be lukewarm?"
Me: "We can only hope, Alice.. We can only hope."

Lori: /screams
Angela: "Well turn your head!"
Lori: /squee
Angela: "Okay I'm done now."

Amy: "Tell me when do shirts become too small for you?"
Me: "They make my boobs look big when they are tight like this."
Angela: "You can buy shirts that aren't too small that still make your boobs look big. I could take you shopping."
Me: "That was such an Alice thing to say."

Bella from New Moon: "The absence of him is everywhere I look. Its like a huge hole has been punched through my chest."
/love the trailer

Random Question of the day:
Where does a toetag go on a dead person who has no toes?

1 comment:

  1. OK... ACK! What kind of question of the day is THAT? Maybe they use finger tags... or cow tags?

    and i totally smiled at the quotes of the day, there were so many I was shocked.

    and the cookies were the BEST so far!!! They were SOOOOOoooooOOOOOOooooo good. I wanted more.
