Sunday, September 20, 2009


I chilled at the house all morning and most of the early afternoon. I watched Star Wars a New Hope and realized that if you put "that's what she said" after half of the lines, its hilarious. Just for an example - "I can't shake em!" Yes, that's what she said indeed.

Brewfest started today in WoW. Its a holiday about beer pretty much. Its about Octoberfest actually I think or something I don't know. Its fun anyway. I spent a good two hours doing the achievements for that. Then I realized - this game just isn't fun anymore. Not when its just me playing. I miss my WoW buddies so much. So that just made me depressed.

I eventually went over to Angela's house and hung out. We talked and I told her about this crazy dream I had about her being Alice me being Bella and Jasper and Edward were there with us. And we were all playing phase 10 but Edward and her were cheating. Anyway the dream got more retarded and hilarious as it went on. But long dream short, Jasper eventually put a angry bear to sleep with his special power just so I could suck its blood! Which brings me to my question of the day. (See below.)

We also FINALLY watched the Twilight movie with the commentary on. I still cracked up. Angela only laughed at a few parts. I don't think she is as easily amused as I am by it. Oh well. I also can't help but smile and or laugh when I hear Robert Pattinson laugh. So cute! I am kinda sad though now that we have watched it..I don't have an excuse to come over anymore. Oh well I'll come up with another one. In the meantime I'm glad I got to spend the day with her it was fun. And she made me food! Yes! First real meal I've had in days. And it was awesome.

Then I went to Lori's house to drop off Zach's DS that he left in my car last night. After that I went to Sonic to grab a drink. Where I had the most random hilarious convo with the girl there. But I won't explain here. (See Quotes of the day.) I was going to drop by and see Amy but it was getting late and I had to come home to feed the cat and take the dog outside. I'll have to just see her later this week when she isn't busy and everybody is at work.

Mom called while I was at Angela's and apparently Papa is in the hospital and he was given a few days to live. This makes me really sad and also I'm wondering if the doctors are right. They just keep saying that. "Not much longer now." And its been years. But I suppose it is much closer now or Mom wouldn't be there now. I'm not looking foward to the emotions I will be feeling when it happens..

Quotes of the day:
Random girl at Sonic: "Oh my God! I love your engagement ring!"
Me: /debates on whether or not to tell her its not a engagement ring "Thanks!"
Random girl at Sonic: "When are you getting married?"
Me: "When Edward Cullen is no longer a fictional character."
(Yes, she was really puzzled. No, it doesn't matter because I cracked up. And yes that's why my picture of the day is my ring, and because I forgot to take a picture at Angela's.)

Question of the day:
Can Jasper calm animals with his special power?


  1. ok, the most important thing i got out of this was: uh... yeah, you can still come over to my house. there is no reason why us watching that commentary means that you have no other reason to come over.... and second... my jasper can calm EVERYTHING, not just some stupid bear so you can have a snack!

    also, i'm glad you enjoyed the wheat spaghetti and i'm even more gladder (<-- is a word) that you took time out to talk on the phone last night. i still feel out of place but i will be fine. IT will be fine.

    totally loved the dream... should have thought of that when i went to bed last night. instead i just went to sleep and dreamed about a random bomber coming to work and my people were supposed to get out before the granade went off... but only me and one other made it!

    sorry about your Papa... if you want, you can come over early Wednesday and we can make cookies at my house so we can talk. :o)

  2. oh... word verification: coutan.

    sounds like one of the 40 Thieves in Aladdin.

  3. I'm glad you clarified why you didn't come by, 'cause I was going to ask. :)
