Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fudge you!

I mucked around at the house today with Karebear and Rogue like every other day. But at 2 I decided to leave early for Beebe because well, I was getting tired of Hank and his days off. I could only handle so much. Better to arrive early at the school and wait in my car to pick up Zach and Ashley rather than muck around at the house with Hank there. Or so I thought.

I get there at 2:20 or so, yeah really early. I decide I shouldn't waste gas or my battery sitting there listening to music with the car running. So I turned it off open my door and dig around in my Twilight bag for something useful. *POOF* found my psp and Ipod. Not that is really surprising I always keep useful stuff in there. I am always prepared. So I am playing on my psp and listening to music on my Ipod. When a guy comes up to me and asks if I'm skipping class. Really? Yeah really. So I tell him no, I'm waiting for my niece and nephew to pick them up from school. He asks me what my name is. So I finally just show him my license and show him I'm 22. He says sorry and leaves but I don't forgive him. It pissed me off. I'm not 13, I'm not 16 or even 18. BLEH!

Okay, so after I picked Zach and Ashley up I treated them to Sonic and we went to the store to get some stuff for my cookies. Then we went back to their house and made the cookies while they both told me stories about their day. From Zach and his gifted and talented class to Ashley needing to pee so bad and her sub teacher not letting her. That was funny too. She eventually just was about to pee her pants and grab the pass and ran. She has a really mean sub teacher. And Zach always blows me away with his stories about his classes. He is so smart. So smart in fact it is disturbing at times. He apparently knows what "horny" means because on the back of the cake box today he saw the word "hornee" which is spanish for bake apparently. And thought it was hilarious. Boys.. /rolls eyes

Eventually Lori and I made our way to Angela's house for Wild Cat night, even though Amy was out of state randomly and couldn't come. We were all pretty tired tonight but we still had fun. I laughed harder than I've laughed in forever. And we mucked around online. Reading stuff and looking at halloween costumes. I'm still all confused about what to do for halloween. BLEH!

First picture is Ashley pretending to be a vampire and steal my cookies. She said she has her "vampire crouch" down pat. I must agree. Second picture is the cookies close up mmm. Third is the bag of them, fudge you if you don't like them! /snicker (And yes, I was around Ashley's age when I made this recipe even though its obviously vulgar for a 10 year old. Are you really that surprised? I do have quiet the mouth.)

Quotes of the day:
Zach: (After like 15 minutes of talking) "And then we finally figured out that he was ocd and constantly washed his hands and thats why he didn't get sick." (Talking about a gifted and talented group project)
Me: "Wow..that's..alot to do in one single class. So what about you Ashley? What did you do today at school?"
Ashley: "Well I drank some water from the fountain. It was gross."

Zach: "SPANISH FOR BAKE IS HORNEE! AHAHAHA! No Ashley you don't know what it means so you don't find it as funny as Karen and I."
Me: "Zach I find it both hilarious and disturbing that YOU even know what it means."

Angela: "Edward Coffee Italian Roast... What would have happened if Edward would have exposed himself in Italy...they would have roasted him!"

Me: "I'd be really disturbed if I ever saw a guy missing a pinky toe."

Me: "Or I could pet his eyeball!!!!!" /talking about Quuuueee

Me: "I'm home yo."
Angela: "That seemed quick. Were you cullen driving?"
Me: "lol always."

Question of the day:
What are three words you would use to describe yourself and me? GO!

Huh? That's stupid. You smell stupid. I'm outtie. Peace yall!

1 comment:

  1. hehe i giggled more about this one than i really have in a while.

    so next time quuuue is here, do you wanna pet his eyeball?

    Three Words to Describe Me:
    1. fat
    2. ugly
    3. and smells funny (what? it's 3 words)

    Three Words to Describe You:
    1. enchanting
    2. sparkling
    3. creative

    btw... the cookies are AwwwwWWWwwwesome! and i thought of a "diet". I'll tell you about it tonight while we eat Pizza... yes, pizza is an exception to the diet.

    so... *poof* i'm in your bag now... try to find me!

    see you later, love you!!!

    *edit* had to repost.... because i said i was in your "bad" instead of "bag"... it was dumb.
