Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vampire Diaries

So today I watch the series premiere of Vampire Diaries. It was..okay..I guess. Its no Twilight lets put it that way. But man, both the human girl and the vampire guy write in Diaries. And it made me want to take a picture of my favorite diary for my pic of the day. Then I started thinking..if I was a vampire what would I write in my diary? Well..let me tell you.

Dear Diary,
I look pretty. I have bigger boobs than I used to, because I am a vampire and I have to be pretty to my prey. But I don't actually feed on human blood. I'm a vegetarian! No, I don't like peas, not THAT kinda vegetarian. I enjoy sun! But I can't go out in it..or I will sparkle. I'm very pretty when I sparkle, but it scares the humans. I am rich because I live forever! I am going to look the same age for the rest of my life. I live with a "family" of vampires. My hobbies include; being perfect at everything, pretending to be human, going to high school for the rest of my life, using big words to show that I am smarter than humans, making fun of werewolves, using my special power in front of other vampires who don't have a power to make them feel inferior, and dazzling cute human boys.

Signed - Toby the Vampire

Random things that cheered me up:
My Mom randomly surprised me with the jacket I've been wanting forever that looks just like Bella's in the movie! YEAH! She must have ordered it forever ago when she was still wanting to buy me stuff to "apologize." Whatever, I'll take it!

Amy invited me to eat lunch with her tomorrow. My favorite too, which is mini bbq hot dogs, heck yeah! But i'm not posting of a picture of it until tomorrow.

19. What is the funniest thing you've ever heard #3 do? oh crap, not sure. We laugh so hard we cry every time we are around each other!
21. If #3 died, would you be lost? in more ways than imaginable!!! She is my soul sister. The Bella to my Alice.

^This was actually something on Angela's facebook from a few days ago. But I saw it on my facebook again today and it made me just as happy as the first time I read it. Knowing somebody would be lost if I died is comforting. Is that weird? Ah well..

Random Question of the day:
Can vampires burp?

1 comment:

  1. So your Diary insert cracked my stuff up. I'm curious... about your larger boobs being attractive to your prey... but you're a vegetarian? Does that mean that when I'm driving past a field of corn and I feel like there are eyes watching me, that it's just the corn, not aliens or possessed children with glowing eyes. And also, does this get me off the hook? Do I not actually need to build a baseball field out there??? I'm beginning to feel like I'm the prey and the corn is actually out to get ME! /shakes head... *sigh*

    and pertaining to the question of the day... if you find out... ask if they fart too? *shrugs* i dunno know, it just seems logical??
