Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mongrel Mix

I finished Eclipse today. I went to Wal-Mart and stared at some baking stuff for a while hoping I'd get some random inspiration to bake something other than cookies. Instead I just thought of a ton of other cookie recipes I could do. So then I thought well maybe if I went to Hastings and looked in the cooking section of the books. But alas, I didn't help either. Instead I found myself completely disgusted by a book called "365 Ways to Cook Chicken." At that point I threw my hands up in the air and yelled "DONE!"

I read a pretty hilarious Twilight Fanfic today and sent it to Angela. She thought it was pretty hilarious so did Lori. Here I'll sum it up for you-
Dear Bella,
Until you moved to Forks we thought Edward was gay.
The Cullens.

Since I had just got done reading Eclipse and yesterday I had that run with those Team Jacob chicks. I decided to make chex mix today instead of cookies, and name is Mongrel Mix. Suck it Jacob fans! Anyway, we've always had this recipe in our family. We've always just called it "chex mix" but I always thought that was stupid since people automatically think the dry kind of check mix when we talk about it. And most people call it puppy mix anyway. I will most def call it Mongrel Mix from now on. Its a good name. I think Angela liked it too, she pretty much woofed it down! Get it?! Woofed! Jacob! Wofl?! HA! I totally laughed while typing that. Or rather I lotied. That's what Angela, Lori and I are calling it now. When you laugh on the inside. Its better than just typing "lol" when you really didn't laugh out loud. I love us.

I have had my Bella engagement ring stuck on my right ring finger for the past 4 days. Finally after all this time I got it off, with a little help from Lori and Angela, and some cucumber melon lotion. I stupidly put it on that finger when some cute guy was extremely close to talking to me and then his eyes slowly noticed the ring on my left ring finger. In slow motion his eyes bulged out of his sockets then he slowly spun around and walked away. As much as I was not looking forward to attempting to talk to a cute boy, and the whole idea even now makes me want to either throw up or pass out. I was slightly disappointed that I didn't get to at least try. Or at least go "UH HI UH I GOTTA GO!" and run away myself. So I forcefully shoved the ring on my left ring finger. Which is not something I will be doing again any time soon. Because apparently fingers swell, and if you have to push a ring past your knuckle in the first place, chances are it wasn't meant for that finger. The end.

My first picture is my Mongrel Mix, its really good but it wasn't the BEST batch I've ever made.. /pout The second picture is the other Twilight tee I got last week. I wanted to take a picture of it but I was wearing it so I just took a picture of it in the mirror. And I'd like to point out that I think its awesome you can see the lil shape cling-ons in the bathtub. I love proof that kids are around often. /grin

Quotes of the day:
Me: "And then he did the whole 'I'm totally gonna talk to her' dance."

Angela: "I lotied and that made me lol."

Lori: "meh!" /does random shrugging motion with hands

Hank: "Gross put that thing away!"
Me: "Afterall these years I finally find your weakness, and its bras?"

Edward from Eclipse: "But if you ever bring her back damaged again — and I don’t care whose fault it is; I don’t care if she merely trips, or if a meteor falls out of the sky and hits her in the head — if you return her to me in less than the perfect condition that I left her in, you will be running with three legs. Do you understand that, mongrel?"

1 comment:

  1. first: i seriously LOL'd about finding Hank's weakness!

    second: do you think lori is really going to start reading our blogs

    third: the second picture, i had to look at 2 times to see if you had snuck secretly to my bathroom last night to take a picture of your self, it looks much like my house.

    fourth: WOOF! loti
