Thursday, September 17, 2009

House to myself

I spent most of the morning helping Mom clean, do laundry and finish her packing. Then we went to Hastings, IHop, Party City, and the mall. Then I dropped her off at Sears so Hank could take her to the airport. She will be miserable I can tell. I'm so glad I decided not to go this time. And Hellooooo house to myself for the rest of the month. That's all I gotta say.

Mom bought me the Twilight Soundtrack because she totally ninja'd my burnt copy that Angela gave me. But now that I have the deluxe edition I'm going to have to burn Angela a copy haha. Bonus songs ftw!

I was in Spencers for a while today looking at their costumes. While I was in there this cute guy walks up to me and is like "Our Twilight stuff is in the back, here I'll show you." I followed him and he showed me and then he also showed me the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff. He said "I love this movie and I just got done putting this stuff up." He lifted up his sleeve and showed me his Nightmare Before Christmas tattoos. We ended up talking for about 20 minutes. At one point he had to stop and go tell some young kids to leave the area we were at. Because it was 18 or over. I realized then that not only was he totally talking to me, but he knew I was 18! Yay! Somebody who doesn't think I'm 13. Then when he came back from telling those young kids to leave he said "So you like to read. Its great to see girls that like to read." And I said that yes I love to read. And he said "Yeah, I saw your library card." And he pointed to my keys. 10 points for being so overly observant! And not at my body either!

Then later Mom showed up and I went to grab her a drink so I handed her my money to buy me the book that I was going to buy at Spencers. We met up later at Sears and she said "That guy that was talking to you asked me for your cell phone number. He said he thought you were really interesting and asked if you were 19." He thought I was 19, he was cute, he said he had met Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) in real life, he liked Nightmare Before Christmas, he likes to read, he wasn't scared off by my mom (a miracle!) he wore eyeliner..sigh. He was so cool! Sadly my mom didn't remember my cell phone number. Fail. I'm kinda disappointed in myself for not going back and giving it to him myself. But we were kinda short on time. Damn I didn't even ask his name! /pout

Hmm I just thought of something as I was typing this. I didn't have my Twilight bag with me. I was wearing my Bella jacket a plain colored t-shirt and some jeans. And he automatically figured out I liked Twilight. He must have noticed the jacket was from Twilight? Oh God, he was perfect! Well...almost perfect.. If I ever see him again I'll have to tackle him and pour sparkles on him. Because he might have dazzled but he didn't sparkle. I just had to say it! /snicker

Ah well.. One day I'll get the nerve to give a boy my number. But I am friggin proud of myself for being able to carry on a conversation with him for 20 minutes. Mother fucking baby steps I guess. Time to make some skettie-o's. I have a can for each day until Mom gets back. Yes, I'm that pathetic haha.

The picture of the day is of the book I got at Spencers. Its really interesting. And yes I should get dork points for it. 10 points. I'm so far ahead of Angela now its not even funny.

Quotes of the day:
Mom- "How do I do this?" /holds up what I think was eyeliner
Me- "Does it look like I would know?"
Mom- "Good point." /tries to put it on while I'm driving and pokes herself in the eye
Me- "I know that's not how you do it." /snickers

Mom- /complaining still about make up and nail polish
Me- "Bet you wish you had your own personal Alice."
Mom- "Do you pay for that?"
Me- "Yes, in cookies."

Me- "If I were a guy who didn't care about losing my virtue before marriage I'd do you."

Guy at Spencers- "No really he is ugly I met him in real life when he was at a signing here at J-ville Hastings years ago."
Me- "He was at J-ville Hastings and I didn't know about it?! And no way he is gorgeous."
Guy at Spencers- "His jaw line is crazy."
Me- "Crazy sexy!"

Mom- "Seriously that blender isn't made for that."
Me- "Its not made to blend you mean? What exactly is it suppose to do? Fog machine? Because its producing enough of that!"
Mom- "Well see now you don't have to buy a fog machine for all your Halloween parties."

Random Question of the day:
If you meet a pathological liar that is really bad at lying, can he even be considered a pathological liar? (Alice you know who I'm talking about! /raises eyebrows up and down)


  1. OHHHhhhh God.... i do NOT like the person that the QotD is about! YUCk!

    totally cracked me up when LiNDA made a funny that wasn't directly related at making me feel badly.

    So, when you found out that rpatz had been at Hastings, did you immediately schedule time to go there and sniff him out? i mean, really there are so many pheromones and well, with him... hair oils... that could still be hanging around there. And you know that when Hastings has live performances that they usually record them and sell copies... you should ask.

    and as your Twin Soul i charge you to GO BACK TO THE MALL and at the very least give that boy your number!!! I mean, I would suggest more lascivious ideas like, kidnapping, 4 pt harnessing him to the haunted bunkbed... turning the Edward cut-out around... and, well, you're the one that said you have the house to yourself for the rest of the month..... ...... ..... make it count..... just don't waste it feeding him peanut butter... try CARMEL

    ps... can't wait to get the copy of twilight w/ bonus!

    also i need a copy of Safety Suit's new album.
