Sunday, September 27, 2009


I went to Hasting's today and got two different comments from random strangers about my sunburn. One woman asked why I was blushing. Then some dude asked if I was hot. Seriously people, its a sunburn. I'm not flushed. I'm not blushing. Its not rug burn. Its not from holding my breathe too long. Or any kind of skin disease. Its from standing out in the sun selling pizza for a whole day. Moving right along.

I went to Angela's today and we hung out for a while talking about random stuff like scars and pained expressions. Then in the middle of Angela telling a story about Que and Ihop. We realized Ihop sounded good. So Austin, Angela and I went to Ihop. She never did finish that story about Que and Ihop.. That's just how a.d.d. the two of us are. I also think its how we always are able to have something to talk about the next time we see each other.

When we got back from Ihop I showed Austin some Twilight parody's and then when he went to bed I forced Angela to watch random Robert Pattinson interviews and stuff. I'm pretty sure I bored her sufficiently so I left shortly after. It was fun though. For me anyway!

The picture is a picture of my sunburned face. Lovely right? No. Moving on again..

Too tired to remember quotes of the day (my eyes even look tired in the picture, bleh!) So question..

Question of the day:
Why does Ihop have different music from most restaurants?


  1. because iHop is the beastie beast beast of the muzak world... it ROCKS my socks. I totally enjoyed google searching 80's band names and singing to the greats!

    oh and i thought of something to make us feel better about the horrible service we recieved at the hop... think of it as a 4 course meal.... first course, coffee/water/sprite.... second course, hasbrowns/whatever that egg surprise was I had/chocolate chip pancakes.... third course, orange juice/pancakes/scrambled eggs.... and fourth course, ketchup/another sprite and TONS of napkins.... see? She was just trying to make our dining experience SPECIALER.

    also, i realized JUST as i was reading this that you are right, we never finished the Quuuue and Ihop story that we were discussing. Too bad too because i can't even remember what it was now.

    and to be honest, i was having a splendid time last night watching youtube with you... i was just beginning to get so sore and tired that i could hardly breathe... sorry if that translated in to boredom... i wasn't, promise!

  2. That is not a very flattering know what I think you may have rosacea.
