Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pirate day yarr!

Austin's birthday party was today. Happy birthday Austin! I had fun and I think he liked the gifts I got him. If he didn't I would be glad to take the Star Wars transformer and New Moon chocolate off his hands.

After the party Lori the kids and I decided to venture to Little Rock to check out the new Playtime Pizza place. It has bumper cars, go carts, black light mini golf (pirate theme perfect for pirates day!), lazer tag, a wall you can climb, mini bowling and TONS of arcade games that give tickets. Plus pizza, pasta, salad, tacos and other food too. It was yummy pizza though. And tons of fun. The kids did the bumper cars and we all did the mini golf. Then Ashley decided she wanted to spend the rest of our money on ticket games. We all agreed and I found a game I enjoyed. We ended up spending the rest of our money on that one game. I hit jackpot once and "big win" at least 4 times. With just that one game we got 700 tickets. Score one for me!

It was alot of fun but driving there and back was hell. I was pretty confident that I knew the way. But having never driven there before I was needless to say, a nervous wreck. Lori got me extremely confused and we got lost like twice. The first time wasn't a big deal I got us there pretty easy. But the way home was hell. I was about to cry from anger and frustration. Yes, I cry when I'm angry or frustrated, shut up you probably do too! Anyway, we finally made it back. No thanks to Kevin. He is horrible at giving directions. Which is fine I am too. I have a good sense of direction better than anybody in my family. But it doesn't mean I'm good at telling other people over the phone how to get there. So I can't blame him for being bad at the same thing. Luckly we stopped at this hotel and asked the valet parking guy for directions once I was sure we were in the right area but I couldn't find the exit to get back on the highway. And he told us perfect directions and I took it from there. Woot!

Okay picture time.
1st picture - Zach and Ashley on the bumper cars. Zach just totally crashed into Ashley and then she got stuck.
2nd picture - Even though I couldn't hear I imagine Zach is saying something like "You see me ridin you hatin!"
3rd picture - I know you can't see my face but I look pretty friggin sweet right? Maybe that's why this picture is so cool..because you can't see my face.
4th picture - Creepy pirate entrance to the black light mini golf!
5th picture - There were cool things like this all through it.
6th picture - Ashley cracking me up with the crocodile.
7th picture - Ashley and I at one of the cut outs. I had to stand on my tip toes. Apparently female pirates are tall.
8th picture - Lori posing as a pirate. This is what I imagine Kanye West would say about this picture. "Yo Lori I'm really happy for you imma let you pretend you're a pirate, but Johnny Depp was the best pirate of all time!"
9th picture - This is what I imagine Ashley should say in this picture "Yes I'll see you tomorrow mahahaha! /curls tips of her mustache (inside joke.)
10th picture - Ashley with all the tickets I won us. Jackpot biatches!

Quotes of the day:
Lori: "Thank God for the black valet guy!"

Me: "I take my merging very seriously unlike half of Arkansas drivers." /revs engine until going 80mph

Me: "Of course I can do a cartwheel! Please you're talking to somebody who hasn't fully grown up here!"

Me: "Okay cartwheels are one thing splits are quite another. I haven't been able to do that since I was wearing Disney princess undies."
Ashley: "Don't you still wear those?"
Me: "Ha ha..Good one. No I moved up to Tinkerbell."

Zach: "What exactly is so deluxe about this soundtrack? Its the same songs only remixes."
Me: "Some things are just better off left unsaid. With you its most everything you say. Zing!"

Random lady speaking to her kid: "Its been a long day and I don't feel like dealing with you being a buggaboo right now."

Me: "Holy jackpot batman!"

Lori: "Remind me to take you to vegas some day."
Me: "For somebody who is highly unlucky I do seem to be very lucky with gambling."

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