Monday, September 14, 2009

Heart's desire

Today was so beyond horrible that I can't even begin to explain. I don't want to either really. Everything that could have went wrong did. And I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm falling into this huge depression. And I've never felt as alone as I do right now. Bleh I don't even want to blog right now but I thought maybe it would help I don't know.

I took this fortune telling quiz thing Angela sent me today. It was interesting. So here are my results -

Question 1.
I was suppose to write down animals (cow pig tiger horse and sheep) in order of importance to me. I put - sheep, horse, tiger, cow and pig. Meaning my priorities are Love, Family, Pride, Career and Money. Very accurate if you ask me. Especially since I don't have a Career or Money.

Question 2.
Describe in one word the following - dog, cat, rat, coffee and sea. They each mean something different. I put -
Dog - Loving = How I see myself.
Cat - Sweet = How I see my significant other.
Rat - Little - How I see my enemies.
Coffee - Strong = How I see sex. /snicker The only one that isn't accurate.
Sea - Dramatic = How I see my life. You would almost think I cheated on this one but I didn't. The reason Dramatic came to mind from "sea" was I was picturing waves crashing and my fear of drowning. Surprisingly making it completely accurate to how I see my life. /rolls eyes

Question 3.
Use these colors (yellow, orange, red, white and green) to depict people I know. They each meant something different. I put -
Yellow - Dad (Pie) = Somebody I'll never forget.
Orange - Alan = My true friend.
Red - Patty = Somebody I really love.
White - Angela = My twin soul.
Green - Val = Somebody I'll remember the rest of my life.
All of those are really accurate as well. Especially since Angela also put me for her "white" color. Creepy and awesome. We also both put our "significant other" as our red. Odd.

Okay well that's enough of that. Mom took me to Waffle House for dinner. I always know there is something up when she wants to take me to Waffle House. Its like her saying "I need to talk to you in a public place so you can't make a scene." Bleh, I tried to cheer myself up by ordering a pancake hoping the waitress would give me some amusing response. But all I got was "we don't have pancakes." Well duh, its a frigging Waffle House! Couldn't you have at least been offended by my obvious outrageous request? Whatever.. My picture of the day is my Edward candy bar, which is ironically named "heart's desire." Oh yeah Edward, you're my heart's desire.. After such a horrible day the only thing that I could think to bring me some small amount of comfort was coffee, Edward chocolate and a book.


  1. It would have been fun to take that quiz, but since I already read both of your blogs it would be kind-of cheating huh?

  2. Yeah it would be cheating, A-mmmy! (I totally used my Joan Cusack voice when I said Amy)... and if you read my blog you would know that cheating send flaming monkeys to your yard!!

    Bella, sorry your day sucked... and I never got that email you sent? Which address did you use?
