Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bella Moments

Okay so this morning I have been so unbelievably clumsy. Like more so than normal. Today was nothing but Bella moments. In fact after today I think maybe Bella will start calling them "Toby moments." So instead of telling all the stories I'm just going to make a list. A frigging list of rules I should follow so I don't accidentally kill myself.

10 Rules to live by:
1. Don't fall asleep with your fan on because you will, of course, forget its on and sit up the next morning without thinking and hit yourself in the head. (Toby-0 Bunk Beds-1)
2. Don't put all your converse on the floor at the EXACT spot you normally jump down to get out of bed. You will hit them, you will trip, and you will fall right into the Edward stand-up poster.
3. Don't put your cell phone on the end table next to your coffee mug.
4. Don't lay on the green sofa in the living room with a mug of coffee on the end table behind you. You will forget it's there, you will stretch once you start to get sleepy and you will knock it over...right where your cell phone is.
5. Don't step out of the shower without making sure a towel is down. You will trip and you will fall and hurt yourself.
6. Don't EVER randomly decide to start putting your flat iron on the right side of the sink instead of your normal left side. Because you will reach for your brush on your left side and be quickly reminded that it's in fact your flat iron you just reached for.
7. Don't even bother trying to step on the convenient stepping stones in the front yard because you are not coordinated enough to use them properly. You will just lose your balance and end up tripping over them.
8. Don't even bother getting the mail anymore because you always just end up breaking it more.
9. When you see a puddle and you think you're smooth enough to jump over it. Think again..
10. When you have finally decided enough is enough and you're just going to sulk at your computer with a soda, knowing your bad luck so far.. Maybe open the can over a sink. Because it will spray all over your keyboard causing you to spend the next 15 minutes cleaning it up.

YEP! So that was my day. Well not really. That only took up the morning and part of the time after Lori and the kids left. But during all that it was actually great. The kids and I watched Raising Arizona (funny movie!) And then Lori came over and we went to the mall so Lori could get her hair cut. While Lori was getting her hair cut the kids and I went around at the different stores. As much as I hate the mall it was not so bad with the kids with me. I like watching their face light up over silly things. Also the Halloween store was fun. Though I'm slightly disappointed I won't be anything sexy/cute/pretty this year. As much as I love Bella and as much as I'm like Bella (maybe even more so after a day like today =[ ) I must admit her sense of style is kinda boring. Okay mine is too. But that is why Halloween is so great! I don't have to be boring that day! I can be somebody that's not myself! But instead I'm being somebody just like me? Maybe I should rethink this? I dunno! Though when I put it that way it makes me wonder why girls who have no problem dressing skanky..still dress skanky on Halloween. Maybe THEY should dress like Bella. Heh.

Anyway, we went to the Chinese place in the mall to eat before going to see the movie Aliens in the Attack. It was a pretty clean movie and pretty funny. I liked it alot and so did the kids. But I always have somebody obnoxious by me in the movies, I swear! This time it was two adults! Sitting right next to me and the lady next to me kept touching me on accident and putting her hand on my armrest. Like all over my armrest, I mean she had no sense of personal space. And her and her husband wouldn't shut up through the whole movie! I mean I have never wanted to tell a stranger "shut the hell up!" more than these two people. Which is saying alot. And saying even more considering I was able to refrain from saying it. But I didn't want to set a bad example in front of the kids, you know?

My picture is of Ashley, standing outside my house in the dark and stormy weather in my Forks High School baseball t-shirt. Because she forgot to pack one for today. /rolls eyes Its okay though it looks cute on her. And actually is long sleeved on her instead of quarter length like it should be. Hilarious!

Anyway, I'm at home now and trying carefully not to let another klutzy thing happen. So I'm just going to read my book. Innocently and hopefully safely read my book. No more accidents I hope. /crosses fingers

Random thing that happened today:
Yesterday I spent at least 20 minutes with Ashley looking for a movie in Hastings in the drama section that I could not for the life of me remember the name of. Then this morning I had a dream and woke up at 5 a.m. in the morning from the dream in which I remembered the name of the movie. Yes, I dreamed the name of the movie then woke up and I was like "FINDING NEVERLAND! That's the name!" /falls back asleep I think this says something about the unconscious mind. Don't you?

Random Quotes of the day:
Zach: "All cards should have music inside."

Zach: "I'm not sure I'm cool enough to pull off Emmett."

Ashley: "I could easily be Rosalie, I'm not saying I can't, just that I don't want to."
Me: "That's the spirit!"

Random Question of the day:
What do you call a girl who is a slut every day of the year EVEN on Halloween?


  1. i loved the 10 rules... and i could totally see it coming... in #3, nice!!

  2. o.k. so, I've accomplished a lot of those, but never in one day. You're very talented.
