Thursday, September 3, 2009

Full Moon

I didn't sleep all night. Not like thats a big surprise. But I was sitting at my computer early this morning reading something online, when Jason IMed me. First time I have talked to him in months? Turns out his life is great. Engaged and what have you. Go figure everybody around me is married and popping out kids. Especailly the ones that never wanted it before. Looks like i'm the only on left that doesn't have the one thing that has always been important to me. Sheesh.. Anyway, after that wonderful conversation, Patty got on and we had a lovely arguement. Good times! Deciding that there was finally a reason to try and go to sleep if only to go into a nightmare instead of living one, I went to lay down.

I slept a whooping three hours! Only to wake up feeling worse than I felt last night. Cold sweats and shivers plus fits of coughing! Life keeps getting better. Sigh.

Mom and Hank went out to eat. It was his attempt and trying to pretend he is a good husband I guess, who knows? Either way they brought me back food. Later I went to Hastings and Walgreens. I got some random movies, the newest Mummy movie which I have already seen but wanted to see again and something else I don't remember. Then I got New Moon chocolate candy. Edward is shaped like the Cullen Crest, Jacob is a wolf howling and Bella is a heart. Edward is caramel filling (No fake! My fav! And he is smooth afterall), Jacob is peanut butter (that's fitting I would assume peanut butter to be a best friend flavor ah-ha!) and Bella is creme filled (No, I'm not going to touch that one.) /snicker Seriously though, Edward tastes better than I imagined. Mmm makes me want to make some caramel cookies next week. Oh god caramel is so good! Wonder what caramel milk would taste like...

Sigh I still feel like crap. Though more cheery than this morning or this afternoon. I still feel depressed, upset and sick. Still having cold sweats and chills. Coughing and I just finished my third cold shower for the day. I don't care enough to straighten or dry my hair. But I don't ever really anymore. I wish I had somebody to do it for me. Like that one time I made Angela color my hair and style it lol. My own personal Alice. God that was great. Sitting still is alot less painful than having to sit still and do it all myself.

The moon was pretty tonight. Full and glowing. I sat out there for while just looking at it and petting Rogue. I wish summer lasted all year round. But I'm already noticing the change in the temperature and the falling leaves. /pout Oh summer, how I will miss you! You're the best season ever! With your warm sun, humid air, hot temperatures, pretty flowers, and little furry animals running around. Fall, you better at least be pretty this year. Last year your falling leaves were disappointing and dull.

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