Sunday, September 6, 2009

Peas are conformists

Today was a relaxing Sunday. Or at least I tried for it to be. My allergies were relentless today. So after getting a few hours of sleep I quickly gave up and took a strawberry bubble bath. The steam helped out a little bit but not as much as I hoped. As soon as I was out of the steaming hot bathroom the sneezing picked up like before I had entered it. I spent most of the day watching movies and reading in between sneezes and coughs. I went grocery shopping but I quickly decided that not only did I hate shopping but grocery shopping was worse. Especially when nearly everything Mom wanted was stuff I didn't much care for. I got some more baking stuff for myself though. For dinner we had meatloaf, (which is one of my favorite things that Mom makes) potatoes and peas.

Ugh peas, how I hate them. They have to be my most hated food, not only because they taste horrible but because of what they are. Firstly, a vegetable. I don't much care for healthy things, least of all vegetables. But I will eat any vegetable over peas. Peas are bland, boring and tasteless. They are round and squishy. And if you poke them they just ooze out a gushy, disgusting, green, bland mush. Why are they so perfectly round and boring? Even when you put loads of butter and salt they are completely and utterly tasteless! I'll tell you why, they are conformists. Peas are conformists little bastards. Ascetically pleasing with their roundness and dull greenness. Trying to show you how comforting they are by being exactly as they should, just so you will eat them. I bet you people who actually like peas are just as dull and boring as peas themselves. Or they are just comforted by their boringness because they have known it for so long. Luckily, I have always hated peas and will never find their mushiness comforting. I'll take green beans any day, thank you very much. Ah, green beans, the rebels of the vegetable world!

At least the meatloaf was good, now back to my book! And yes, I just ranted about peas. You're reading Karen's blog. If you expected normality, you must like peas.

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