Saturday, August 1, 2009

Rhino and Stormshadow

I did nothing for most of the day, still just enjoying my week off from babysitting. A much needed rest let me tell you. But I did go to Beebe and pick up Lori before going to Amy's house. I got to meet Rhino and Stormshadow, Adam and Daniel's new hamsters. The picture is Rhino. Its horribly blurry because he just wouldn't sit still. And excuse my pale hand. /shrug

After that Lori, mom and I went out to eat at a Chinese place in Beebe. My fortune said "The coming month shall bring you much happiness." I couldn't help but laugh loudly and darkly at this fortune. Although I can obviously see how the Twilight Convention would bring me happiness. I somehow know that the rest of the trip to Arizona won't be nearly as pleasant. But one can dream I suppose. Then we rented Tropic Thunder and watched it at Lori's house. That movie was stupid. Kinda funny but really stupid. We went home after that and I've spent the rest of the night in my own little dream world. But I did have fun today with Lori. Its not often I get to spend time with her. Kind of like its not often I go to her house and actually see no dishes in the sink. Heh. /shakes head

Well, enough of this. Time to try and sleep. Funny, this mini vacation from the kids is really just me catching up on all of my lack of sleep. Not that I ever really sleep much. Fuckin insomnia.

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