Friday, August 21, 2009

I heart bows that sparkle

Today Amy and I did laundry at the hotel laundry mat. While Mom was picking up Dad at the airport. It was very..eventful. We also ate lunch at the grill here in the hotel. Oh and I had to eat breakfast by myself this morning while Amy slept in. The mexican guy there that works there every morning was there and he hit on me. Its like he was waiting for me to be alone. I got part of my waffle stuck and he cleaned it up lol. Then a lady came in and ruined hers and he didn't offer to help her or anything lol. Horribly awkward for a while. So, of course I was texting Angela during it making fun of him.

Okay so after all that we eventually went to Nana and Papa's house. Nana had made a big homemade dinner that was really good. And I met yet another Uncle and Aunt. Aunt Mina and Uncle Brian. Plus my cousin Robin and her husband Gary. Even though she is my cousin she is older, she has a daughter my age, but she wasn't there. Robin was awesome though she is really nice so was Gary. They made the situation less tense and stressful. Though my muscles are still really friggin tense, like they have been this whole time. I would be happy if I could go one day without being friggin tense. Anyway..after that we went to CVS and got some gatorade so Amy and I could work out. While driving back to the hotel after that Mom said sorry to us. I don't get her ever anymore. Her mood swings are giving me whiplash. Seriously.

Amy and I worked out while a storm was going on outside the gym area. We weren't able to go swimming because the wind blew chairs, an umbrella and a bunch of leaves and junk into the pool. I got the umbrella out for them. I didn't even have to get in for that. But the chairs were in the deep end. Screw that! Plus it made the pool look really friggin creepy. Just look at the last picture. Oh and the second picture is when the storm was about to blow in. It took forever to get a picture of the lightning! But patience is a virtue! I stood there for a good 5 mins after Amy gave up. I was determined. The first picture is a picture of the bows I wore in my hair today. Nana is really obsessed with my hair. She makes a comment about it ever day. I'm going to try and wear it curly tomorrow just because she wants to see it curly. Even though I dread the thought. /cringe

I burned 300 calories tonight working out. But i'm not going to do it anymore. I'll go with Amy when she works out. But i'm losing weight instead of gaining. I lost 2 pounds in one day! Screw that crap I need more pounds not less! Val and Patty freak out enough about me not eating/weighing enough.

P.S. My bows sparkle like Edward in the sun! /swoon

P.S.S I should really get that shirt that says "I heart boys that sparkle." /writes that on a list

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