Monday, August 31, 2009

Pie is sweet

Today I was feeling down. Like I have been for the past few days. But then, Angela, Austin and Jeff (aka Pie and Dad) cheered me up. I hadn't talked to Pie in forever, since June technically. It was like he knew how sad I had been. And how close I came to actually emailing him the other day. And he emailed me tonight and just made my day. He brought tears to my eyes he made me so happy. He knows me so well. I missed him so much. He really means alot to me. Just like everybody I love in my life do. Even if I don't talk to them as much as I'd like to. They still hold such a big piece of my heart. When they pop back into my life, it just makes that piece of my heart ache for more. I put the letter he wrote me here, so I can come back tomorrow and read it again. It will make me smile just as much the second time I read it, I know. For somebody who some consider "just a computer friend." He is a great guy, and I'll never think of any of my "computer friends" like that at all. People always wonder how I can have so many friends online and still be so close to them. The truth is, they probably know me better than most people know me, even the ones who live near me. I love my computer, it keeps me close to those important to me.

P.s. - I took this picture with my CHIN. I'm a pro, SUCK IT!

Hello Toby!

Remember me? I’m the weird one from wow. What do you mean “which” weird one???

How have you been? It’s been forever and I must confess I have been feeling the shadow of a lost friend for some time. It’s nothing to be sorry for, of course, things happen and life moves at different paces for all of us. Sometimes our intersecting life’s are brief, and other are for a lifetime. But long or short, there is no denying the beauty in each chance meeting. For you have been like a beautiful light, casting a pale burst of radiance on those you touch. It’s your nature, I suppose, because I’m sure you don’t see it. Perhaps you get glimpses, and you see yourself as others do, but those moments are short and filled with doubt, I’d be willing to bet. And speaking of betting, how was your summer? I know you were watching the kids for the summer, something you said you loathed the time we talked back in June. Seems like forever ago. I wonder, if by chance, by the end of the summer you weren’t finding yourself feeling a little emotional at the prospect of not seeing them as much anymore? Feelings change, you know. ;)

For me, I’ve spent my time dealing with family, doing some biking (I biked down to the NW part of Arkansas with some friends! We just crossed the border and ate at a greasy diner which was not befitting our station, as lowly as it was that day! Still, the food didn’t kill us, so much as wreak havoc on our digestive systems. But all this was easily over-looked given the beautiful green eyes of the lady taking our orders. If I could recommend anything to my fellow biker friends it would be this: Bike south to Arkansas and order anything you like. It’s all gross and could kill you, but to stand and gaze into the deep pools of green, allowing yourself to drift out of this life into a better place, makes it all worth it. Anyway, it wasn’t really so hot as I thought it might be, and I’ve learned a new respect for biking Illinois. There are more hills than I give it credit for! Holy hell!!! We talked about maybe trying Colorado next time. I think I’ll just drive there and go fly fishing while they back, the stupid bastards.

Aside from that, I mostly fished, read, worked, and spent time with the kids (obviously). I wanted to see the Harry Potter exhibit at the Field Museum, but we never got a chance to go. Maybe I’ll take them out of school one day…. We’ll see. Did you see the Half Blood Prince? Did you read the book? The movie was good, but they easily missed half the book. BUT!! It did give Alex motivation to start reading the series. Her best friend, Tori (My second daughter now) and her are going to read them together. Currently Tori is reading Lord of the Rings trilogy that I gave her, and she’s finding it a bit difficult at parts, which doesn’t shock me. That’s a difficult read for some adults and she’s only in Jr. High. I’m very impressed.

Alex is in dance, as I type, sitting here drinking tea at Starbucks. It’s really cool here, I love it. I think the current temp is 57 atm. How sweet is that!? I love the cold, because I can wear shorts and a hoody, which I’m sure is what God gave Adam and Eve to wear once they realized they were naked. “You ate that apple? Darn you! You’re so banished to a life of hard work and pain! But first, have some nice shorts and a hoody.” God is sovereign, you know.

Anyway, I’m off. I’ve just been thinking about you quite a bit lately, and wanted you to know that even though we may not speak anymore, you’re no less a special person to me and my life.

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